Indoor Medical Grow...$3,000 to spend any suggestions?


Active Member
Hey everyone! I've got a few years of outdoor under my belt and am gunna try the indoor setup pretty soon. I have about $3 grand to spend in total for the entire setup. Gunna be using a room about 10X10 perhaps a little smaller what lights,wall covering, ventilation items, smell deterents, etc... would you suggest for veg and for flower? any suggestions welcome...gunna be my first indoor grow. Thanks a lot for stopping by


New Member
How many plants are you shooting for? I know power is expensive in Hawaii, how much lighting can you afford?


Well-Known Member
FIrst a few questions to gauge your plans. Are you going to be keeping mothers, and taking clones, or are you growing from seed? Basically are you going to divide the room into a veg area, and a separate bloom area?

Are you wanting to do a perpetual type grow, or just one batch at a time?

Does the room have any windows, or ways to get fresh air?

Is the room, or can the room be airconditioned? I'm guessing in Hawaii it prolly gets pretty hot inside, so what I'm getting at is temperature control of some form.

I think finally, are you thinking about doing soil, or hydro-ponics?

Oh ya and what is your goal number of plants?

Answer me this and I'll be glad to give you a hand man. I love designing stuff!!


Well-Known Member
Ok one more question, do you have your genetics already, or are you getting some. If so do you have a plan on what type of plants you are gonna be growing, Indicas, sativas?


Active Member
FIrst a few questions to gauge your plans. Are you going to be keeping mothers, and taking clones, or are you growing from seed? Basically are you going to divide the room into a veg area, and a separate bloom area?

Are you wanting to do a perpetual type grow, or just one batch at a time?

Does the room have any windows, or ways to get fresh air?

Is the room, or can the room be airconditioned? I'm guessing in Hawaii it prolly gets pretty hot inside, so what I'm getting at is temperature control of some form.

I think finally, are you thinking about doing soil, or hydro-ponics?

Oh ya and what is your goal number of plants?

Answer me this and I'll be glad to give you a hand man. I love designing stuff!!
Sorry forgot to mention most of the details i was out the door but thanks for offering your help.
The grow will be in California
Going to be using clones and seeds both
gunna have a seperate room for vegging. this roughly 10x10 will be used just for budding plants. dont want to jam in as much as i can but want a good amount in there budding... gunna have hybrids mostly indica/sativa genetics, got good air circulation and windows gunna be going organic and using soil base. yes room can be air conditioned, i want to keep the cycle going once the budding ones cut down then throw a new batch of veggers ready to start flowering

THANKS so much for lending a hand


Active Member
bro those shrooms you grew yourself? was that easy dayuuuum ive always wanted to grow my own shroom is it hard/expensive?


Well-Known Member
Ya those are some of mine I've grown man. It wasn't really that hard or expensive, and the first month or 2 they were growing like crazy!!! I'm not sure what I changed, or am doing wrong now, cus they have just about stopped growing. I've tried making up several new batchs, and they just aren't growin. I don't have a clue why. Its been pretty frustrating thats for sure.

As far as you grow goes. If the 10x10 room is just your flower room then sounds like you've got plenty of space to do just about anything.

1. Lights- prolly the most important purchase you are gonna make. In a 10x10 room you could easily run 2-4 600w lights to get good coverage, and efficiency. You could start with 2 and then build up to 4 next go around if you wanted. I would suggest air cooled hoods, or cooltubes for the lights, to reduce the temps. You could suck air through a carbon filter, and then out through the lights to another room, or outside. I believe you can figure a 600w will cover a 4x4 area well, so if you put 2 in a line, you'd be covering a nice 4x8 area, still leaving you room to work. For flowering you are gonna want HPS lights. For your clones, you could get a T5 or T8 floro light, or a couple 4 ft shop lights would work fine. Depending on how many mothers you plan on keeping, you could either use CFLs for them, or pic up a 400, or 600w MH light to keep them under. I've got my clones under CFLs, and I picked up a 400mh for my mothers next grow.

2. Medium- If you growing in soil then that simplifies the amount of expense in the medium area. I'd say pick up some 2-3 gallon grow bags, and fill them up. Most people find that adding a good amount of perlite to the soil helps with airation, and drainage. My soil is mixed 3 parts soil, 2 parts perlite, and it seems to be working pretty well. Though I am ready to go to hydro next grow if I can afford it. I'd try to find some quality soil, with out any sort of time release nutes in it, or anything like that. It will allow you to have better control over what your plants get fed. If you've got time release stuff in the soil, and you try to flush it out to fix a problem, you can actually flush more nutes into the soil at the same time. I've got my girls in 5 gallon grow bags, but I also vegged them for 2 months before flowering. In the future I'm not going to be giving them nearly that much time. I'll be vegging for shorter periods, and growing more plants to get a higher yield hopefully, lol.

3. Ventalation- I already touched on this in "lights", but for that size room a decent size carbon filter and a good blower should be enough to move the air. I would try to use air cooled lights like I said to keep as much heat out of your grow space as possible. Your goal is the keep the room about 75 degrees and 40-50 percent humidtity, or about 85 degrees if you run CO2. This being your first indoor grow, I wouldn't worry about the CO2 until you get everything else worked out. Once you have all the details and bus worked out of your system, then add CO2 and watch your yields go up!

It would be a good idea to get some mylar to cover your walls with for reflectivity too. I would consider investing in a decent PH/EC/PPm tester. The one I'd like to get is the Hanna waterproof combo meter. Its like 200 bucks, but will allow you to test your water before and after you add nutes to it, to ensure its at the levels best for your plants. I'd also check your tap water, and see how high of levels of stuff are in it. Mine was over 400ppm, and I honestly think it was slowing growth, cus once I started useing some bottled water that only had 90 ppm the plants started growing much better. Next grow I'm buying a R.O. water system, so I know my water is completely pure!

4. Nutes- So I think I've covered most aspects of the grow, except nutes. There are thousands of differant comapnies out there that make all kinds of products. I wanted to run somthing organic, or close to it, and after much deliberation, I decided on the fox farms liquid trio. It was suggested to me by alot of people, and I've been pretty happy with it. They also make 3 soluble nutrient addatives, which I've only been able to try 1 of, but it seemed to work great, so I'd suggest them too. You can buy the 3 pack of lite bottles, and that will get you through your first run. Well all but the big bloom will any way, you use more of that. I'm about to get a gallon of it in a couple weeks cus I'm down to the bottom of my liter. Fox farms is only a suggestion, its fairly inexpensive, and seems to work well, ask around you can get all kinds of opinions on nutes.

Well as I said I think I covered all the major stuff. I know with alittle shopping around, you can make everything I suggested happen for 3k. I'd check out for your lights, they seem to be pretty resonably priced, and have a good warrenty plan. Hope all this helps with the final decisions man. If you've got any more Questions, I'd be glad to try to help. I'm not pro by any means, but I've done alot of reading, and I think I've got a pretty good grasp on everything.


Active Member
+REP BRO very useful information. Good Karma coming your way keep up the great attitude and helpfulness. Good luck with your grow. You have been more than helpful enough. Thats crazy the shrooms just wont grow anymore.?! Hope you have more luck next time you try


Well-Known Member
Np man, glad I could be of some help. Ya I'm not sure whats up with the shrooms, some did start to grow finally today, but they are still small, and the tray got mold on it already. I've been keeping every thing clean, I don't get it at all. Hopefully I'll atleast get something off this tray.