Indoor hydro/aero for a dummy


Hey guys

I'll start by excusing myself since I bet this has been up a thousand times before but my english is horrible and I never know where to look.

Im going hydro pretty soon I have decided. Because soil is expensive, dirty and takes alot of place a weights a ton to drag around. And my neck of the woods (out on an island of the swedish mainland) theres only one gardening store and I have had several friends getting unexpected and unwanted attention from the local police.

So hydro or aero seems like my best options and I have been looking for a guide with everything I need to know, like, how do I start seeds? I just put them between wet towels now and then go for soil once they sprout. How would this work with say an aero-system with lecaballs? (clay pebbles)

Does anyone know of a step-by step guide?

What do you guys think about the Ghe rainforest 66 for a beginner? It looks clean and simple. I do not want to build my own system but want one thats as simple as possible. I see alot of posts just get the reply "Build your own, I did..." but thats not interresting since I do not want the hassle, nor can I do it because of my living situation.

All replies that helps gets cred, thanks alot.