Indoor HID and profitable?


Well-Known Member
I agree with Jerry. That is, if you're into eating the fruits of your labor. Fruits and vegetables are outrageous in price, for the quality they bring. Tomatoes are one of my favorite vegetables(fruits..yes..) ever. However I will not touch one from the regular grocery store, or any food places. They are not fresh, they are NASTY IMO.
So if you were to eat your own produce, you would be saving a fortune at the store. Think. All the fresh soups you can make during those cold winter months you're stuck inside gardening.
Also, I believe there is a decent sized market of people who like to eat fresh, juicy, and possibly organic(if you grow organic) vegetables.
You said you weren't looking to cash in really, just make a bit back so it's not solely money spent. Sell the fruits/veggies to your friends and family at 1/2 to 3/4 the price the store charges. Not only are your fruits better, not only are they saving a bit of money, but they have the opportunity to eat something that was grown with love and care, and can know what chemicals/nutrients/additives/pesticides were used.

sorry for the rant. Gardening is simply AMAZING. I'm also a man I love food.
Make some fresh salsa! People love chips and salsa! Make strawberry jam! (that's a-whole-nother hobby to start up though!)


Well-Known Member
find some flowers that are a bit different from the regular varieties. Grow/Harvest them around dates like mother's day, valentine's day. The possibilities are endless! I read an article on a guy in Colorado, Larry Forrest, that had NEVER gardened in his life. His buddy was selling some hydro setups years back, talked him into the investment. Now his career is growing micro greens for hundreds of chefs around the CO area. Now it's his career.
(source:the GROWING EDGE magazine. Vol. 20, #2 November/December 2008.)

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
try growing hops.same family as mj and if ya have good hops it can make home brews and sell them.theres a small brew place in town that buys hops from small growers.


Well-Known Member
To my understanding hops grow pretty tall. That's not to say that you can't train them to grow the way you want! I would just think hops would take up much space, which in turn would be using up quite a bit of all that light you're going to have. That means less plant numbers. And from the sounds of it, I was thinking it sounded like the OP just enjoys growing!
bump! I am interested to see what others grow indoors, and if any amount of money is made. Be it $10, or $10k.


Well-Known Member
Well I know Japanese folks go nuts of ginko or somehing like that. It is a root plant shaped like a penis. They use it sorta like Viagra along with the ingestion of aborted fetuses etc Its real high if you go to buy some. about Saffron? That should work. Sure you could google up how to grow it real easy. Best of fortunes on your endeavor.


I grow tomatoes now.I start them off in January and by march I take about 6 clones off each plant then I sell them to my freinds for about 10 bucks each.Their about three to four times bigger than anything wallmart sells .This year though I kept a mother alive all winter with flourecents and I'll have more repeat customers this year for sure.I use a 1000watt with a 4foot light mover and it was enough to net me 400 in tomatoe plants last year.I also use news paper pots .Its cheap but people love it when they feel like they dont pollute the planet.I also sell them in 5 gallon buckets with a 4foot wire fence straped around the top of the bucket for a trellis then I cut the bottom of the bucket off and stack it on another bucket of dirt.The plants looked beutiful and I know that I'll sell more of them this year.THE MOST EXPENSIVE thing is the dirt.But I'm lucky that there is a manure farm and mushroom farm within 10 miles of my home.This year I hope to have enough surplus plants that I can fill up my pick up truck and sell them on the side of the road.Getting the plants to grow is easy .Making money at it is the hard part.You just have to get out there and make something out of nothing till you have something