indoor bugs and insects!!!!!!!!!


Hello: I put my tent away two months ago after my first grow. I did feel some insect bites at the time . few. I closed the tent and folded it and put it under my bed.
After two month I got it back out and put it together again.I got a few new clones which i showered for future insect pest prevention.
Now its been a week and i feel itching everywhere on me, but i dont see any bite marks or any bugs flying around me> i been cleaning and vacuming around> I put all my old pots in plastic bags and i m about to dispose them>
I've been reserching and spider mites dont jump around and dont bite people< only in self defense, which i probably was the time i put away the tent.
Whats going on? i dont see anything but i feel the bites around!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry until you see something... you could just be thinking about it too much, and your mind is tricking you into thinking you're itching like a mofo. The human brain works in mysterious ways.

Edit: Also, most bugs that will harm your cannabis, will only harm your cannabis. Not you.

Keif Cheif

Spider mites will only stay around if there is something there for them to feed on (plant foliage). They tend to scatter to house plants, outside plants, go dormant in soil, or just die off. You should have nothing to worry about, unless there is something other than plant pests in your house