

Active Member
Has anyone else thought of the idea of seceding from the union if you own some land? I think it is a great idea with a lot of faults in it. Think about it; Wouldn't it be great to have your own micro-nation,

What do you think America would actually do if one of us tried this? I'm sure they would make it hard on us if they even let us secede, by considering any currency we make worthless, no transporting goods in our out, I would probably need a passport to check my mail, and pay increased international mail charges. I still think it would be great, only if I could make it a completely self supported nation, grow and raise my own food, grow my own weed, produce my own electricity, and so on.

If you guys were to do this, what would your nation be called? and what would it be like to live there?

I'd call mine Indicapotamia. Indicapotamia would be a truly free nation of very few residents, laws will be enforced by those who live there (not so much laws more like morals). We would produce our own food and other necessities within our nation. Hemp will be a big crop in our nation, to make many things. Indicapotamia will be sure to annex a steady fresh water supply, preferably a section of river as we can produce electricity from this. This nation will have its own constitution (written on hemp), its own currency (probably marijuana buds) so more like a barter system but with MJ as the "money". We would also accept all major used currencies, so we have money to spend whilst visiting other nations. It will be a truly peaceful nation, a green nation, with beautiful rolling fields of marijuana, crisp clean air, sparkling crisp clean water, and a bong for everyone.