Indica or Sativa?


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint: pic i took earlier of my baby. she is around 3 1/2 weeks from seed today. the leaves have nute burn still, they are a lil curled up at some of the tips. but look at that lil bush! isnt she beautiful?



Yea it looks good.
dude what up? love the girl but she looks a lil stunted possibly from the nute burn.i just did my first one n 2 weeks away from harvest and i ran the majority on cfl's and i was soo impressed with the progress i started nutes at 2 weeks at a weak concentration of sensi grow part A and B then got it stonger throughout. my seeds were feminized white widow and white rhino but im happy with them, where abouts u at at ur girl right now?? get back to me bro:peace:


Well-Known Member
well its been four weeks from seed til today. my plant has been through almost everything traumatic you can imagine: transplant shock, overwatering, nute burn from its first and only feeding, heat stress( had it in a selfmade box with tinfoil)...... all that and maybe more. she (hopefully) is a little over 6 inches tall with many lil leaves clustered around the stem. i am thinking about starting 12/12 in around 2 weeks when she is somewhat taller. but yield isnt very important to me, more interseted in seeing it grow day by day. space is an issue so im tryin to keep her short. any comments are appreciated. heres a couple pics



well its been four weeks from seed til today. my plant has been through almost everything traumatic you can imagine: transplant shock, overwatering, nute burn from its first and only feeding, heat stress( had it in a selfmade box with tinfoil)...... all that and maybe more. she (hopefully) is a little over 6 inches tall with many lil leaves clustered around the stem. i am thinking about starting 12/12 in around 2 weeks when she is somewhat taller. but yield isnt very important to me, more interseted in seeing it grow day by day. space is an issue so im tryin to keep her short. any comments are appreciated. heres a couple pics
shit man ya i bet u only really have a solid week of good growth because at 4 weeks mine went cazy i flowered before 2 weeks was up of veg sooo i think ya if u give her sum time she should spring back good if there is lil to no more stress hahaha im surprised ur ladies survived so much shit, good luck with everything bro hopefully everything works out for ya cheers


shit man ya i bet u only really have a solid week of good growth because at 4 weeks mine went cazy i flowered before 2 weeks was up of veg sooo i think ya if u give her sum time she should spring back good if there is lil to no more stress hahaha im surprised ur ladies survived so much shit, good luck with everything bro hopefully everything works out for ya cheers
Hey man these plants can go through a lot!!! No worries

Im on my first grow and i had all kinds of probs in the start just like you and now she looks great!!

check it out im 3 weeks into flowering:peace:


Well-Known Member
shit man ya i bet u only really have a solid week of good growth because at 4 weeks mine went cazy i flowered before 2 weeks was up of veg sooo i think ya if u give her sum time she should spring back good if there is lil to no more stress hahaha im surprised ur ladies survived so much shit, good luck with everything bro hopefully everything works out for ya cheers

yeah youre probably right about growth. maybe a week total without any stress it got transplant shock, so i tried adding nutes to the water at full strength a 10-15-10 concentrate which i now know was very stupid to help it recover, which obviously burned it pretty severly and then i found out about the aluminum foil creating hotspots and heat issues and the first 3 weeks it was in a small selfmade box with the foil everywhere. additionally i had been misting the leaves pretty regularly and it created burn spots on some leaves(ive since stopped doing this). so im happy its still alive after all this and im still enjoying the learning experience. keep you guys posted!!!!!


Well-Known Member
She looks good a little nute burn perhaps but iff you take care of her she will bounce back they are hardy plants. just water it with normal water the next couple of times. good luck man


Well-Known Member
she's on her 2nd week of good, stress-free growth. at least thats what im sayin from now on lol i dont count all the days from seed anymore because she had many problems and its a miracle she's still alive!!!!



Interesting. Looks like you have quite a bit of heat damage. It even looks like the light itself has touched and burned some of the leaves in the earlier pics. She also looks to be a bit deformed with the leaf structure. 3 CFL's is plenty for that one plant, so you can keep the light 2 inches away. It looks like anything closer will continue to burn her. Try putting a little CPU fan by it. You can get an AC/DC adapter from Walmart or Radioshack that is 12v and wire it straight to the fan. Man if space is an issue start flowerin ASAP. That thing will be 2 to 3x as big as it is now when it's done!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input Ridonc i appreciate it. im pretty sure the heat damage was from me misting the leaves during lights on because the lights have never touched the plants. the plant is really bushy with like 40+ leaves altogether it isnt uniform and i dont know the strain AND this is my first attempt so maybe its deformed growth!??! idk but anyways yeah i been hearing it doubles or triples in size and its already over 7 inches so im gonna start 12/12 soon, maybe tonight


Well-Known Member
i usually put a big fan a couple feet away for anywhere from 6-12 hours a day until lights out. and i started 12/12 last night. just keepin u guys up to date!!


Well-Known Member
just thought i'd put up a couple pics of my growspace. my closet!!!!!!
criticism is welcome i know its ghetto but its gettin the job done. again, YIELD ISNT IMPORTANT TO ME!!!!



Well-Known Member
today my baby is 5 weeks from seed. had a very rough upbringing but she's still alive and kicking!!! approx. 8 inches tall, lots and lots of leaves, day 3 of 12/12. space is an issue so i started flowering. any comments are welcome!



nevermind all the burnt curled tips im takin this lady to fruition!!!
yaa ur girl is growing alot like my rhino did when she was in veg, really tight and compact, are u giving her good nutes ??? and ya space was an issue with me huge so i flowered when my girls were 6 n 10 inchs soo they get fucken huge, they will definetly at least double if not triple, and she will start stinken too when u develop sum nive lil bud sites, but keep at her bro. is this ur first one???