Indica Or Sativa?


Well-Known Member
Is that good? Am I going to get a different high? :P

please odnt make your picture so big next time!


anyway. sativas and indicas give entirely different highs.

Sativa highs are more cerebral(heady) while indica highs are more body


Well-Known Member
a lot of buds now a days are hybrids. its a bit of both worlds and its always good. whether it be hybrid, sativa, or indica its all good my friend


Active Member
Are hybrids good?
hybrids can be good and bad, depending on what you want. alot of people mix an indica into sativa genetics to shorten the flowering cycle and make the plant shorter and bushier. many hybrids can be unstable so u can get many different variations. if you find the right variation a hybrid can be very nice.