Indica or sativa??????????


Well-Known Member
Me and my buddy just started growing 3 plants indoor and we have an all around good setup(lighting,air,water)..........but i'm trying to decide if our plant is indica or sativa because after it sprouted one of them grew three leaves but its rounded at the tip and a bit shorter of leaves, unlike my other two plants...which sprouted two leaves originally and are very similar to a sativa plants already...i do not have pics but the plants are about 2 weeks old and i have a good feeling that the one plant with a rounded tip and fatter leaves are indeed indica.....can anyone help me with this?????bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
sorry i'll try to get some tomorrow but somethin else came leaves keep flattening then suddenly the same same day the leaves on the three leafed plant arc up....y is this???..and also what would be recommended for nutrients for the plant???


Well-Known Member
I was also wondering if i have a good setup???.....We're growing in my closet which is 2 1/2ft wide by 4ft long and 10ft tall with two 48inch floresent plant lights and a 100wtt heat lamp with a total of 3800 lumens with a 16/8 lighting schedule......We also have a 1ft tall fan directed towards the 3 plants which i have in 2 seperate pots....The one i assume to be an indica plant is in a single pot and the other two are in a bigger pot on opposite sides but get even air and lightning at all times but like i said b4 i will get pics soon....any oppinions??????


Well-Known Member
we could make educated guesses right now but pictures are the only real way to tell.


Well-Known Member
sorry i'll try to get some tomorrow but somethin else came leaves keep flattening then suddenly the same same day the leaves on the three leafed plant arc up....y is this???..and also what would be recommended for nutrients for the plant???
guessing you are seeing the leaves arc up when lights have been on a while? the leaves r prob looking for the light almost reaching for it, thats normal,give them as much light as can.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thats defiantly sativa there bro....u can tell by the long skinny leaves on it, and i have a plant thats about 7 ft tall outside thats very similar to that and i'd say its a sativa


Well-Known Member
noooooooooo!!!a cat got into the closet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It ate the plant i assumed to be an indica and pretty much cut it..............soo i'm gonna try to save it(which i highly doubt is possible) i pretty much just attempted to clone it and praying that it works but like i said i highly doubt it.....any advise???????=-(


Well-Known Member
go in "go advanced" to post pics.

and dont hit your cat. its not his fault :) i have a cat too and i let her to play with my plants. i love my cat more than my plants.. sorry guys :D

you can see in this video my cat paying with 1 of my plants :)


Well-Known Member
lol i love cats too man but jeeeze....actually i have a stray cat at my house and i fed it for about a year and all of a sudden it had kittens in my garage!!!...i'lll have pics soon.......they're so awaesome...theres 5!