Incinerators Found at Abu Ghairb


Active Member
Sure enough, there have been reports of incinerators in the Iraqi prison, with bones inside. Now I suppose the government could claim that people that die in their custody and have no family to claim the body they need to do something, but, does this not remind you of something very ominous?


New Member
Shades on Nazi Germany 1939-1945, and they said Hitler died. His spirit lives on in the Bush regime.
Harman and other soldiers told of taking prisoners' blankets and leaving them naked in bare cells while temperatures dipped near freezing. The New Yorker writers relay witness accounts of bones being found inside Abu Ghraib incinerators and prisoners being submerged in ice-filled trash cans.

Davis, from the Roselle, N.J., area, said while stationed at the prison he also saw an incinerator with “bones in it” that he believed to be a crematorium and said some prisoners were starved prior to their interrogation.

We had some kind of incinerator at the end of our building,” Specialist Megan Ambuhl said. “It was this huge circular thing. We just didn’t know what was incinerated in there. It could have been people, for all we knew—bodies.” Sergeant Davis was not in doubt. “It had bones in it,” he said, and he called it the crematorium. “But hey, you’re at war,” he said. “Suck it up or drive on.”

“Ovens” of Abu Ghraib? Troops HAVE gone Insane! « Attending the World

at-Largely: "And then a plank in reason broke"...The Crematorium at Abu Ghraib

eBay Forums: OT: Abu Ghraib abuses said "de facto US ...

There is much more, read on.


New Member
No limits on Bush, thats for sure. How do you equate hating Bush with Hating America. It's because I love America that I hate Bush. You are so fucked in the head.
I base my observations on your posts.

1. You hate capitalism.

2. You hate achievement.

3. You hate business.

4. You hate competition.

5. You hate wealth creation.

6. You hate the constitution.

7. You hate the individual.

8. Based upon the above, you hate America.

Anything else? Oh yeah, you hate Republicans ... in other words, over half of your fellow countrymen.



New Member
I base my observations on your posts.

1. You hate capitalism.

2. You hate achievement.

3. You hate business.

4. You hate competition.

5. You hate wealth creation.

6. You hate the constitution.

7. You hate the individual.

8. Based upon the above, you hate America.

Anything else? Oh yeah, you hate Republicans ... in other words, over half of your fellow countrymen.

You forgot one, ViRedd. Based on the above, your warped sense of observation seems to make you look even stupider than you really are. You know the old saying, "stupid is as stupid does", and you've sure out done yourself here. You are the harbinger of hate. You post the idiotic ramblings of hatemongers like Ann Cuntler. You are more anti-commie than McCarthy was. You see a commie behind every tree. In other words you are a sick twisted fuck.


New Member
And once again, you've turned the thread into inane personal attacks. I point out where you are anti-American AT YOUR REQUEST, then you attack the messenger. Why not instead, show where your posts have been PRO-American?



New Member
And once again, you've turned the thread into inane personal attacks. I point out where you are anti-American AT YOUR REQUEST, then you attack the messenger. Why not instead, show where your posts have been PRO-American?

I'll not lower myself to being your boot lackey. I'll just say this: I'm way more American than the likes of you who goes with the current program just because you got a tax break. How about medical for every citizen, is that not pro American? How about every hungry child in country deserves hot meals and a cot, we do the same for rapists and murderers. how about every American deserves the rights afforded to us by the constitution and Bill of Rights. How about decent treatment of seniour citizens, How about helping those that can't help themselves like the poor of Katrina. How about stopping an insane war, bringing our troops home and spending those Billions on fixing America. How about looking into all the illegal signings that the illegal Bush regime has signed, exempting them from any consequences. I think I'm way more American than the greedy persona that you exude.


New Member
Your right ... I've seen the light.

Now please point out the parts of the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights that authorizes all of your welfare state fantasies. Thanks ...



New Member
That's what I thought you'd say. And again, the Founders mulled over every word of our liberty documents. The Constitution gives Congress the power to PROVIDE for the common defense ... and PROMOTE the general welfare.

Is there a difference between the words "provide" and "promote?" Don't you think if the Founders intended for the federal government to provide a welfare state, they would have used the word provide instead of the word promote?


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The Constitution gives Congress the power to PROVIDE for the common defense ... and PROMOTE the general welfare.

Is there a difference between the words "provide" and "promote?" Don't you think if the Founders intended for the federal government to provide a welfare state, they would have used the word provide instead of the word promote?


I agree with you 100%.

America is NOT a Socialist Country.... that's not what our forefathers intended and it's not what any reasonable American wants.


Active Member
I dont think Medicine man is even asking for a socialist society here ppl. He is just asking to stop spending 3 BILLION PER MONTH of money that the U.S. DOES NOT HAVE. If we could manage to pay off our debt, and not launch ridiculous wars that just create more enemies for the future to have to fight more wars,

Republican Values = Small Government, personal liberties.
Todays 'Republicans' = HUGE GOV. Goodbye liberties. (by the way hello NSA and FBI that are watching ALL of us. All of our internet habits and phone call logs are now being harvested and stored at At&t, for any ol' fed to sift through in case they dont like the way you walk. I am a Republican at heart to ppl, but please realize that our party has strayed far far away.

Do you know who is lending us the money for this war? THE CHINESE! Americans will be paying off this debt for generations. Now how is it unamerican to not want to sell off our country to fund a misguided war? Or do you ppl not see Iraq as a completely misguided war baised on repeated lies? 80% of America opposes the war. 4,000 soldiers dead. Over 100,000 Iraqi's dead. Thousands of innocent muslims wisked away and tortured. THIS IS NOT WHAT AMERICA DOES.


New Member
Elcivic, I've preached this till I'm blue in the face and all they say in return is that I'm a commie and I hate my country. My country went away some time ago, and has been put on a fast track to extinction since the Bush regime came to power. I love the Ideals of the founding fathers, but these are different times. We have 300+Million now instead of a couple, the corporations have run ripshod over our land and people for the last 50 years, getting stronger all the time. They now control the government and start wars to increase their bottom lines. This cannot stand, this is not my America. This is the continuation Of George Orwells America.


Active Member
I hear that medman, I just wish that the masses could just open their eyes. The sheer obliviousness just amazes me. What also amazes me, is that I would find such an opposing voice at a weed site! ViRedd, tell me, how do you feel about the 'war on drugs'? and do you understand who started it?