In the shower- AGAIN!


Well-Known Member
I like this grow, I love how you take the pics at the same height for the camera so you can see the big difference in times. REP+


Well-Known Member
RandyRocket. You're a fucking genius! Either that, or I'm a daft twat! I've chocked the smaller plants up and all is happy =)

Why didn't I think of that???? I'm not even stoned :?

Cheers fella.

Thanks, Just people helping people.

Check out my journal sometime it's in my signature, maybe you'll have an answer for one of my problems.


Well-Known Member
16th June...

A couple of pics for today.

One is certainly female, one 55% sure it's male and the other 2 I can't tell yet. Still a little early.



Well-Known Member
Plant Sexing:

Morning all.

I went into my grow room this morning only to discover that they had grown almost 3 inches over 12 hours. 2 plants were touching the lamp. I thought I had left enough room so that didn't happen. I was wrong. Never mind, only a couple of scorched leaves.

Anyway, I wonder if you could help me confirm my beliefs with sexing........

I hope you can help. I need some others to confirm before I sadly destroy the males.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
they look male to me but they could also be hermie
i dont know about you but i would prefer bud with seeds in it then bud from only one plant
wait just a bit longer and see if they are hermie or not
my plant looked completely female but one of the lower nodes, which developed later, turned out to be male.
at least its bud!


Well-Known Member

Good evening, evening users! Can you help me confirm my suspicion? (a couple of posts up from this one). It was a bit quiet here this morning and I seem to get more responses from the evening 'crew' ;)

Thanks people!


Active Member
man your grow is amazing, its so simple yet so effective man. bim gonna use ur journal when i start my grow in a few months.


Well-Known Member
Cheers plumberry! And thanks to Cadenza!

I'm gonna wait a few more days so I can see the sex properly. As soon as I know for sure, the offending males will die and the remaining female(s) can get more light from my HPS.

I got some more seeds on their way from Nirvana. Some White Widow and Big Bud. Ohhh yesss. This shit is 'moreish'!

I'll post some new pics in the morning with a sex update. I've not seen my plants since early afternoon and the light is off now.

Take it easy everyone - happy toking!


Well-Known Member
Oh, forgot to mention...

I started a new job 4 weeks ago. It's great and pays good but one thing SUCKS... They random drugs test (or so they say).

I'm on 'probation' period for 3 months. I've been 'clean' from MaryJane for 1 1/2 months now. Once my probation period is over, I can smoke again, coz all they can do is offer me 'drugs councelling' after that period. If I toked before then (whilst still on the probation period) and got selected for a drugs test, my arse is out the door.

SOoooo, this is hard to keep this journal. All these pics of the beautiful weed is making me want it baaaad!!!!

FFWD the end of my probation!

Peace out. Time for bed.


Well-Known Member
Bummer about the drug testing but what can ya do right? Keep the sweet grow going, i loved your last one and cant wait to see how this one finishes up! I'm growing some early misty so im curious to see the difference between the two strains.


Well-Known Member
Oh, forgot to mention...

I started a new job 4 weeks ago. It's great and pays good but one thing SUCKS... They random drugs test (or so they say).

I'm on 'probation' period for 3 months. I've been 'clean' from MaryJane for 1 1/2 months now. Once my probation period is over, I can smoke again, coz all they can do is offer me 'drugs councelling' after that period. If I toked before then (whilst still on the probation period) and got selected for a drugs test, my arse is out the door.

SOoooo, this is hard to keep this journal. All these pics of the beautiful weed is making me want it baaaad!!!!

FFWD the end of my probation!

Peace out. Time for bed.
I havn't blazed in 24 days now looking for a job. The grow journal and growing experience keeps me sane in the meantime hehe but quitting wasnt that bad when all I was smoking was beasters anyways.


Well-Known Member
Sadly today, the 18th June 2008, 2 plants of the four that I'm growing were confirmed males. They were both exterminated in humane conditions. No pain was felt. Except for the owner that is.

The remaining 2; one is certainly a female- the pistils are showing nice and clear, but the other is uncertain. I'll give that one another couple of days to see.

Here's a pic - at least the lady plant will get more light now.

RIP Male plants. RIP.



Well-Known Member
And then there was one! =(

Okay, so the other plant turned out to be male too. Just my fuckin' luck. My brother in law is growing 2 outdoor plants and BOTH of his turned out to be FEMALE. Jammy bastard! That's mother nature for you. She's a biyatch to me!!! lol! Anyway, here are some pics of my single female plant. Doesn't she look lonely :(



Well-Known Member
Someone mentioned that it might be a low pressure sodium lamp I'm using. Do you know how you can tell between a high and low pressure sodium lamp? Is there a way of telling?

If it is a low pressure lamp, can I simply buy a different bulb or are the couplings completely different?
I believe a low pressure sodium has both neon and sodium in it. Think of a crappy street light that's dim and yellow. I would imagine the sockets and ballasts are the same. Hit your local Home Depot or Lowes, they will have light with both low and high pressure sodium over in the lighting area (behind the fans) used to illuminate your yard/driveway, et cetera. Nice grow.