improving overall yield?


Active Member
With my setup, what could i do to ensure i can get the maximum yield possible for example what would be the best growing technique for a 250w light setup (1mx1m) in soil (SOG, SCROG or one big plant?).

Would nutrients have a part to play in the yield, if so recommended nute brands? (currently using hesi for vegging and bio bloom with topmax for flowering.

Is there anything else i can do to improve the yields i get off a plant? i already know that running into no problems during growing/budding would give me a better yield than fucking up a few times.

Any suggestions on other factors that would worsen or improve the yield would be apprecited!


Well-Known Member
LST is a good way to maximize yields, but you gotta have everythin right temps humidty so on and pot size play a role
mite of been some help

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
this is such a broad subject to cover. in a 1m x 1m area you want you plant to be growing wide instead of tall and 250w is alot for just one plant. i would suggest FIMMING it or topping it and either LST or super cropping.
people spend shitloads on specialty nutes when its all about the right ratio, i use something called nitrosol for veg, has lots of N and for flower i use potash which gives all the phosforus and nitrogen needed for flowering. all up for nutes for 36 medium sized plants it costs me $30