Important PH question


Well-Known Member
I am trouble shooting my plants and I think I might have a PH issue here are my two questions.

1. do plants need to sustain a different PH from veg to flower my plants are fine in VEG lush, green and perfect once i throw them in to flowering they start to turn yellow

2. Can i go to petsmart and buy aquarium PH down for my hydro set or will it kill my plants. Please help me thank you in advance.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
I am trouble shooting my plants and I think I might have a PH issue here are my two questions.

1. do plants need to sustain a different PH from veg to flower my plants are fine in VEG lush, green and perfect once i throw them in to flowering they start to turn yellow

2. Can i go to petsmart and buy aquarium PH down for my hydro set or will it kill my plants. Please help me thank you in advance.kiss-ass
Your pH should stay the same throughout (about 5.8). However, plants do require different concentrations of the major nutrients durring flowering and veg. Are you using the same nute solution for both stages of growth?

As far as the aquarium pH adjuster goes, I'm not sure what chemicals it is made from. It could be made from somthing that plants don't like, but then again there are aquarium plants. Have to do some web research on that one.


Any ph adjuster safe for an aquarium should be fine for the are adjusting the ph of the water thats all, theres no residue or anything like that left once the ph adjuster is absorbed.

Your ph should be the same for the whole grow. If you think you have lockout do the feed use a lot of ph adjusted, low ppm water. If you are using soil you need to put a minimum of the pots capacity through it. (at least 6 oz water for a 6 oz pot.)

Lower leaves will yellow in the later stages of your plants flowering cycle. this is natural as the plant uses up N. If you are only at the beginning of your flower cycle though they should be nice and green.


Well-Known Member
Okay Heres how I do mine man. During Veg it says right on my Nute PAckagin that the Ph should be between 5.8-6.5, But then when in bud it says 5.8-6.0 so there is a difference., I adjust mine to keep it within the range here and it works great for me. Also I use PH up and PH down from my local hydro store. any hydro store around should have it man. Hope that helps ur ? and 5.0 is way too low a PH level.


Well-Known Member
5.9 is the number to shoot for cuz if ur under 5.9 certain nutrients get locked out and when ur over 5.9 certain nutrients get locked out..i'd shoot for no lower then a 5.7 and no higher then a 6.1


Active Member
well first I think you have a nutrient problem. as for PH. the lterature I have read, says that each nutrient gets absorbed at diferent PH levels. minor nutes get absorbed when ph is between 4.5-5.0 major nute get absorbed at 5.7-7.0 general hydro has a chart that shows which nutes and at what level. I run cutting edge. when I add nutes, PH drops to 4.5 I let them run up to 6.7 and then I adjust back down. it has worked perfect for 2 grows now and my second grow this way is looking to be huge. never had a nute issue or PH issue in veg or flower. however the concensus from most for hydro is 5.2-5.8 you cant go wrong with this.