I'm stumped...

Not sure if this helps but best of luck....Could possibly be giving it too much nutrients but to be honest im not a grow expert ImageUploadedByTapatalk1434589215.004045.jpg

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Well-Known Member
Are your pots on the floor? Or is there something they are on top of? And what are your lights off temps if they are on the floor.

I kinda think that leaf all the way to the right kinda looks like p or k def/lockout. Jist my opinion.


Well-Known Member
What is your medium?
How big is the pot?
How tall is the plant?

My guess is over feeding and or root issues.

And you should give clear water between feedings.


Well-Known Member
nute levels are fine, but you may be starving them of oxygen to the roots. i would up the nutes to half and only feed them every other or third watering. thin the plant to allow better light penetration and airflow, at the very least, add some more light to the undercarriage if you don't want to prune your plant. They may be getting root bound and as a result, dying in the root zone


Well-Known Member
another option yet would be to flush them with a clearing solution and ph'd water until they run clear, and resume your current feeding schedule in a few days, still I would amp up the levels


Great! Thank you all for your help. I think it is a combo of a few things. Root rot being the one discovered first. Just one group under 1000 watts. I will be watering les as well. 68 night, 72 day is were I'm at now. Fresh air rom outside. I've been on the ropes for some time about whether it is over or under ferts. Using only coco. Plants are 3 feet from the ground. The pots are 5 or 7 gallon. I will post more pics of the room soon. Again, thanks all. Never get to talk to anyone about my ventures.


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OG Gardenz

Active Member
my guess on your flowering plants is that they are deficient of either Magnesium or Potassium. Both of these deficiencies can look very similar.

on your veging plant, i say Nitrogen or Calcium/Mag deficient...

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Just simple nutrient burn - remedy: flush for one week and then re-adjust nutrient amounts and feeding time's.(One should feed 2 out of every 3 days for soil)


I'm doing a test now on 2 plants. I have given 1 1/2 recommended nutes, a & b only. Another plant got 1/4 strength nutes plus 5ml per gallon of cal mag. The rest of the plants were flushed. And as soon as my 5 year old tells me were she hid my camera I will, as I said, will post more garden pics.:)

OG Gardenz

Active Member
if you use nitrogen on the veg plants foliar or in nute solution it should be amoniacal nitrogen not nitrate nitrogen

plants will only take in what they need of amoniacal nitrogen