im sorry but....i need help...


Active Member
well... i am haveing a few bit of problems that ive been closely monitoring...

basically my setup is this....

3 gallon square planter
3/4 filled with mg organic
strawberry cough female

over the time my girl has been growing shes been through an amazing amount of stress i know she is very strong.being is i am down south it gets very hot during the day.. and humid.. only thing i have used for nutes is some fish emulsion.. and ashes mixed into water from cashed bowls for a litle extra nitrogen.being is rabbits started to attack her at night i ahve been forced to bring her in at night...i have basically put her on a 7pm,7am, schedule.although she has been flowering very well... i have today noticed alot of things that just arent getting better and i know i can make them better i just need anyones and everyones advice... i cant make it through this season with out any of you experienced bros advice..

here are the things i have concerns about
-wilting....(slightly...more towards the bottom)
-yellowing bottoms
-yellowing fan leaves
-white spots on fan leaves (borderd by brownish deadish color)(deadspots)
-burned tips(only on bottom)
-leaves on top are sorta turning over..

i promise i will have pictures up as soon as i can...i lost my cable to upload from my camera to comp..

but if you have anysuggestions on what i should be doing...please lemme know...

thanks and i am glad to be here at rollitup...have learned a lot in the past few weeks...


Well-Known Member
without the pics i dont think youll get alot of help,but i woud just back off on the nutes and only water till u get the pics,the water only might do the trick!how often(fish emul)?


Active Member
i actually havent used it for a good 3 or 4 weeks.... but i did use a little extra nitrogen like 4 or 5 days ago...not alot just few ashes mixed with a litre of water...i have flushed it since then because of a lot of salt build up but usually only water..


Active Member
thast what im thinking...if thast the only thign then im psyked i can fix that problem... im trying to use as little ferts as possible so it cant be over ferting... i dunno about underfertin.. i know she needs food but.. i am getting my girlfriend to email me some pics right now from a few days ago...i just dont have the today pictures...i wILL get them tommorow... sory i wish i could show her now shes looks beautiful...


Active Member
ok here is a pic from a few days ago...i will get the picture of today...the picture i am worried about tommorow...


Active Member
my guess is under or over watering and possible over fertilization. also possibility of a magnesium deficiency or lockout.