I'm sick of this shit

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Voting IS an act of patriotism.It shows that you care enough for your country to elect the person you think is best to run it.So no matter what way you vote,as long as you vote,who cares what others think.Yeah, its very easy for people to say, well, go on out there and get yourself a good job then, or a better education, why can't you?Well.How much does school cost?A fucking lot.There's no guarantee that if you study for a career,you'll get it.What of relocation,child care, transportation,certification,insurance(if it applies to your career),setting up shop, building a customer base if applicable....this isn't not wanting something enough...this is just common sense.If you go into debt, and then fail at your chosen career, now you're in worse shit than when you started.Most of the folks I know don't want three cars and an 80,000 square foot house, they just want to make enough to live comfortably, to feed their children and pay their medical bills.That isn't a lack of drive, that's a lack of greed.Folks who bash these minimum wage workers don't seem to give a fuck that SOMEONE has to do it, because they surely don't want to get their nice manicure all messed up.Someone has to clean the shit.Not EVERYONE can be a doctor, or an engineer.All the these people want is proper compensation for doing the jobs that the wealth accumulators don't want to.That's perfectly reasonable.
I was called unpatriotic in 2004 for voting for Kerry. Who they made into a unpatriotic person as well. Republicans wore purple heart band aids to their rallies mocking a real American hero. John Kerry was awarded the Bronze star, Silver star, and 3 purple hearts. If this mocking were to happen on the Democrats side god know what would been said.

Now I'm being called a Socilist... People like my sister who works her ever loving ass off just to get by, she cleans in the morning, works as a waitress in the afternoon, and then cleans again at night. Guess what, she is one of the people the "Conservatives" are calling lazy, and doesn't work hard enough to get insurance, or pay taxes. She is trying her dambest to get her kid some health care so hopefully he wont fall into a hole, and be an uproductive tax defaultee like Joe the Plumber.

Say what you will, but there are a lot of people ou there that deserve more from this country, and it is being robbed by greed, ignorance. We are taking our country back, and you can take it or go live in Ireland where your coveted 11% rate is. When the Debt goes down, and the value of the dollar goes up remember that Republicans were wrong again. I suppose they will get re-elected though, and rob our wealth, and once again socialize their debt.


Well-Known Member
Guess all the single- mom and dad waitress and waiters and other minimum wage or less earners are the TRUE humanitarians....... (Even if it IS forced.):roll:


New Member
Lol, you are just kidding yourself.

The road to "economic" hell is paved with good intentions. I think Obama means well but he will be a victim of the "you can't get there form here" syndrome, and the whole thing will end with a lot of finger pointing.

I wish him luck, but the numbers (economic) are terrible, and the rest of the bad news hasn't actually been released yet. Lots more to come.....

By the way, what was forced? I don't follow....
