I'm ready to flip! My first grow so farfar

Yes. Much farfar.

Well guys my plant has come a long way. It's been about two months since I started off, planting a single viable bagseed in a small pot. I graduated her from outside to inside since around here you can't just have bushy pot plants growing on your deck!

The pictures are go from earliest to latest. The earlier pictures show her in the smaller pot that she grew up in. Then it shows her going through a rough patch, transplant shock about a week ago. The last pictures are her thriving in the grow room I made myself.

This is a picture of my backyard in very early spring. It's too pretty not to share. IMG_20160327_151300.jpg

About a 4-5 weeks in


Couple of days after when I spot strange new growth at the top. Later realizing it's actually the main stem splitting into two(rather slowly), effectively topping itself.


During this time I noticed her growth wasn't taking off so I decided to transplant into a container about 2.5x bigger. It was also transitioning to my micro grow spot during this time so the plant had a lot to process. Luckily I made the transitioning slow and steady, even now I take her out to see the sun occasionally.

This is right before the transplant,

She was mildly root bound so I was pretty much right on the money. This is her as she struggles to get her roots used to their new environment.
Day 1 after transplant

Here she is on transplant day 2
Around this time I switched to 14-10 day/night to signal to the plant that flowering is just around the corner. I trimmed the sad bottom leaves, gave her some food and she perked up instantly the day after
Transplant day 3, signs of new growth!

Fed her some nutrients, some of which are rather slow releasing. But skip to today and here's what she looks like, and here's an overhead view of my little closet grow. Complete with mylar, a car window reflector, 6 lights (1x 2750 lumen red spectrum CFL, 1x 1600 lumen red spec LED, and 4x 1600 lumen blue spectrum LEDs about 2 inches from the plant). IMG_20180424_134526.jpg

More to come
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How she looks as of 4/24



Still some signs of fairly mild nitrogen deficiency and possibly sulfur or Cal/mag but those have been added it will just take a bit for em to take effect.

I'm pretty positive this is a very indica dominant strain. She's got amber to offwhite pistils on every node, they are very small and hard to capture on camera so I'm 90% positive it's a female.

I'll be switching her to 12/12 tonight so pretty soon I'll be sure!

Edit: she's very smelly lol