I'm proud of my first grow, through thick and thin [PICS]


Well-Known Member
I've learned a lot about these plants, the way they grow, their necessary nutrients, and, unfortunately, the way they exhibit some of these deficiencies. I've finally become comfortable enough to not have to go check on her every day, and I'm pretty happy with the way things are turning out.

I never check my pH, add chemical fertilizers, worry about reverse-osmosis water, or expensive lights or my electric bill.

Keeping things simple and letting your plant tell you what it wants is the way I would much rather grow. I don't want to smoke chemicals whose names I have to peruse carefully, it's a WEED after all! They need water, sunlight, lovin', and maybe some nutrients from time to time.

Anyway, here are some pics of my first plant, organically-grown, LST'ed, outdoors, and about 4-5months old (since seed). Thanks for your help everybody!

EDIT: I know it isn't done yet (probably another 1-2months), but I'm feeling pretty comfortable so I thought I'd share :blsmoke: I've got all of my supplies out at my site; molassas + epsom salt mixture, bone meal tea, fish emulsion + epsom salt mixture, and a bucket to catch rainwater...just in case.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, people! The upper leaves are showing some "dusting" (crystals on the leaves) that sort of surprises me since it's just some bagweed seed...trouble is, I don't remember which bag it came from! Maybe I've just got some homegrown mid-grade shit growing, but it'll get me high for free and it was a learning experience, so I don't really care...it'll be good regardless of what strain it is (though it sure looks sativa-dominant if not straight sativa).