Im new, and need some help

ill start off with the current situation. i am 18 and still live with my parents. my parents both smoke, and well i started my own plants just to smoke. i placed 2 seeds opposite of a planter pot, both grew and are currently about a month. i planted them around the end of may. one plant grew about 6-7 inches? and the other is about 5 inches. the taller plant has purple streaks all the way up the stalk, and the other plant's top leaves have grew in purple. one of them is a kush/dro seed, tho i am currently unaware of witch one =( they get direct sunlight from about 8-5 cause of all the fucking trees in my neigborhood. i have only waterd my plants like 3 times, cause it rains twice a week

i am currently thinking about putting them indoors. i have a locker, that would fit the planter, and i could put a CFL in. but i have no lightsockets or cords or w.e... and the only CFLs we have are a 9w. scratch that. i just found a 60 daylight bulb for my geckos. its a neodymium daylight lamp, for dessert and tropical terrariums, broad spectrum daylight, creates heat gradients for thermo regulation, increases ambient air temperature, stimuates natural behaviour thru UVA rays.

the planter that the plants are in, is about a foot tall and sort of hourglass shaped, with no holes in the bottom for extra water release... ill post pictures as soon as i can


Active Member
The purple in the leaves might be from the weather being slightly on the cool side, pics would help but u certainly wanna put some holes in the planter for drainage, not sure if the lighting mentioned would be enough either to be honest with you, get some pics up when u can anyways. Peace

kbo ca

Active Member
bringing it inside wouldn't be a bad idea. As long as you can provide adequate airflow, constant temperature between 70 and 80 degrees F, that light should sustain the plants for a while, not too much longer though then hopefully the weather will be better, and you can put them back outside to flower. Respect
Also found a "daylight BLUE reptile bulb"

well my parents want the pot, "out of sight" so indoors is the only option i can think.

and being told from local kids who also are growing, they say my plants are fucked as they are, and that the puprle tops is a sign of "perp" so i should cut my planter open and seperate my plants ASAP. picturers will be up in like 10 minutes, im waiting for the batteries to charch

kbo ca

Active Member
some of those reptile bulbs put off heat in high amounts, check it out before you make the switch as it may burn your plants.
also have ben told to put something over my plants, to put them in complete darkenss for 12 hours daily. what exactly does this do? also i heard you can force your plants to flower early.

kbo ca

Active Member
if you block light for 12 hours it will make them flower. No need to do that now unless you want a very small plant with an equally small yield
the stems dont look as purple as they do red.. it looks like more of a nute deficiency.. possibly nitrogen

also they look darker on cemera. it looks purple out in the sun

how would i go about fixing this? im trying to keep these plants as natural as they can be. the one with the purple on the top, actualy bent some how a couple days ago, i put a stick next to it so it would grow straigh again. and yesterday i added more soil into the pot. i dont have a job to get money to purchase suplies and i also do not own a car.


Active Member
use molasses or honey.. i always use molasses for denser and sweeter tasting buds, especially white widow (it tastes a lot like shit)
what exctly do i do with the honey or mollases? im sorry. this is my first plants evar lol

also is it "safe" for both the plants to grow in that planter? i dont want the kush/dro plant to be killed by the other plant.


Active Member
You need to read the tutorials on this site and learn more before you do anything. Also...don't listen to the kids in your neighborhood - everyone's an expert.

kbo ca

Active Member
actually you want to pull them out of there and separate them before its too late.... It might be already