im goin out of town for 4 days..will my plant die??


Well-Known Member
ill be gone for 4 days..i have a couple people that may be able to watch her but they dont have space for the lights n stuff

will she be able to survive and continue to flower even if shes jus gettin random light from the sun and lamps in their houses??

i was thinkin of jus puttin her back in veg while im gone but she may grow and burn lol..idk wut 2 do,help me out a bit


Well-Known Member
just place it outside (if you live somewhere safe) it should be fine with the outdoor sun light/darkness or just get a timer


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i would set it outside.. you could pick up some sort of disease or some spidermites, bugs etc. i say get a timer, water the plants well before you leave and just get your buddy to water them in 2 days.. he'd only have to do it 1 time..


Well-Known Member
I have left for a week at a time, and always came back with them still alone, maybe droopy or something but they perk back up quickly. Just over water her a bit before you leave and should be good.