Im fucked up..Plz help me figure this shit out!!!

grow space

Well-Known Member
Hello good ppl of our no ramble just to the point..

This is my second indoor grow...I have 2 plants, one white widow and one ak...they were outside for about a rained really hard, so i brought them inside..i could not water the widow for almost about 4 weeks, 4 WEEKS!!!AND the ak is still going, soil pretty moist, almost 5 weeks :o:o
so i watered widow 4 days ago, added some fertilizer as well, just a i am seeing all this yellowing, big leaves turning brown, crispy...also i had a bug prob, i juiced them with sigaret water and also some soap water...did that 4 days in a row, then started seeing this weird shit, all leaf tips, small and big are turning blackish, dark brown....I have not witnessed it before, cas i am only on my second indoor...this look really fucked up dudes...i need help!!!! but fuck this , heres some pics:


grow space

Well-Known Member
I am thinking that it is lack of N and P...also may it have something to do with root probs..cas yeah, widow soil was really damp for a long tome and ak soil is still like that..the pics are all widow!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What size containers are they in? 5 weeks without the plant drinking up all the water sounds pretty bad unless they're grown in dustbins or something.


Well-Known Member
Looks more like nute burn to me than a deficiency. Takes 3-4 days to see nute burn... so fits the time line too.

what kind of nutes are you using.. did you go heavy on the nutes at all? do you PH?


Active Member
IMO their drowning. Its pretty hard to know for sure ..... My suggestion would be let the soil dry some more. Their hearty plants and it won't hurt them to dry them out a lil I'm wondering about your drainage. It there a chance that there could be standing water in the bottom of your pot ?

grow space

Well-Known Member
Looks more like nute burn to me than a deficiency. Takes 3-4 days to see nute burn... so fits the time line too.

what kind of nutes are you using.. did you go heavy on the nutes at all? do you PH?
This all started before i watered the widow, but yeah, after i watered it got, i added on a little bit of nutes..i didint have proper vegge food cas i am broke..i used my old bloom food, with npk of 9-9-30...and i dont do ph, i usued to have a small ph kit, put i cannot find it!!
IMO their drowning. Its pretty hard to know for sure ..... My suggestion would be let the soil dry some more. Their hearty plants and it won't hurt them to dry them out a lil I'm wondering about your drainage. It there a chance that there could be standing water in the bottom of your pot ?
widow got dried up real good before i watered so no, but with ak it can be so, but i dont want o mess things up even more...

this is all because i kept them outside for a month and it rained not ever do t ppl, cas it will make your life shitty!!!

comoon ppl, need more advice on this...i dont have no new sit coming and i need my medicine!!!! Also to be sure i took some clones off widow, so i hope i am insured!

grow space

Well-Known Member
HELP!!! what should i do, or what the fuck ?!!!im really confused...thought that things can never go wrong with me, and look at my shit now....sad face


Well-Known Member
ahh... if you are using bloom nutes.. then yes, you likely are getting deficiencies. - I would try and scrape together enough cash to grab something more suited to it's growth cycle.. even MG if that's all you can do.
Ph fluctuation CAN cause problems like that too, locking out nutrients and showing through leaf degrade and damage too.- I don't think PH is as big a deal as most people think.. It is important however to know where your ph is so you can determine easier what if any deficiencies you have so you can correct it and get things going the way they should.
I still don't think over watering is the problem.. over watering causes leaf droop.. not burn... - and I see you have posted you know it's not a water issue too...

I'm fairly confident a good flush and fertilize with proper nutes and ph will stop further damage and get things growing again. You get out what you put in when it comes to harvest time.. so it's worth the investment in proper nutes in the end.. I would wait till you are ready to water again before doing it..but I'm not sure in soil how flushes work.... I grow hydro, if I need to flush, I run straight water for a day, and I'm back to good.

Hope you get some more input to help...


Active Member
I think I would flush them ....... It can't hurt them any more than what's already goin on .......I'm just not sure of what the volume of water you would need is ..... But I'm sure the info is here on RIU somewhere I would find it for ya but I'm on my phone and it don't much like this site but as the fella before me said wait till the next time you water to flush them .


Active Member
sorry that your going through this. i would think the plant is not worth saving. hopefully you learn went what worng and know for the next time. my thought is that the plant is very stressed and you will have a good chance of it hemming out on you. i would transplant the plant to new pot and they water it. i am sure if you look you have some root rot there. the drain holes might be clogged up and it is drowning. transplanting will let you look at the roots and see if this is the case