Illinois took a few more steps forward.


Well-Known Member
This all kinda came outta no where, i hadnt heard any talk about either of these before the news broke.

On 8-25-18 Governor Rauner signed a bill legalizing hemp and hemp production.

On 8-28 he signed a bill allowing cannabis as an alternative to opoid pain medication. I understand it to mean that if you were ever prescribed an opiate pain med or are currently prescribed an opiate pain med you are eligible. But I'm not sure on the were precribed part, it's likely got quite a few restrictions if that's true.

This is big because that has been a really restrictive list in Illinois. Like you pretty much had to be terminally ill.

Now all that said there's an election coming up in November and I think this is a bunch of BS appeasement on the governor's part. He has openly stated he would oppose a recreational bill