I'll play along


Well-Known Member
@Thundercat I am fully aware that I will be harvesting early, have harvested early and on time and I know what I will be missing by doing so.. this plant has had so many issues and now it is taking up space that my other plant could be using during flower.. buds are bending over, my main issue is lack of smoke, I haven't had smoke in 2 months + now and since I have another plant in week 2 flower I'm fine with having enough sub par bud to make it for the next few months. While yes if my plant was healthy and all the leaves weren't fucked maybe I would consider to keep pushing it but to be honest I'm surprised it has made it over 9 weeks so far. I appreciate you trying to help since you think I am harvesting early due to either lack of experience or knowledge though.


Well-Known Member
I don't actually care when you harvest :), it's your plant. You made the thread so I put the appropriate info out there for you. Take it or leave it is up to you.

We have all harvested early at one point or an other. If you understand when to harvest and you are cutting early for a reason I get it. Though being out of smoke is not a great reason. Actual plant problems or environmental issues are much better reasons.


Well-Known Member
I don't actually care when you harvest :), it's your plant. You made the thread so I put the appropriate info out there for you. Take it or leave it is up to you.

We have all harvested early at one point or an other. If you understand when to harvest and you are cutting early for a reason I get it. Though being out of smoke is not a great reason. Actual plant problems or environmental issues are much better reasons.
I understand it doesnt affect you lol, I was just trying to explain my reasoning. This plant has had problems throughout the grow and despite doing better than I expected. It's still just getting through. I'm hoping the next 10 days of flush will push it to a level which it is "pretty close".


Well-Known Member
Lol your first post seemed very defensive or maybe its just the way you typed online. I wasn't trying to push buttons.

I understand what your saying man. Obviously the plant has been through some issues, but it really doesn't look that bad to just give up on it when it has WEEKS to go. It is quite literally still trying to grow buds for you, and has not even started to mature.

Flushing it is only going to starve it. That won't make it better :face palm: .

I understand your "reason", being out if smoke sucks. I recently bought the first bag of weed I've purchased in roughly 8 years because I'm out of my own weed.

However I also know that buying a bag and letting my plants finish the next 2-3 weeks is FAR more valuable then having some premature buds to smoke that will taste bad and barely get me high.

I bother to take the time on all this thread and others because you took the time and posted the thread asking. Even though It won't effect me when you harvest, I like seeing people be as happy as possible with the plants they have worked so long to grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm generally pretty relaxed my apologies if my wording cam off as defensive, I thought flushing might push the plant into giving everything she's got into finishing the buds as a defenceman mechanism but I guess I'm mistaken.

If you really think it has that far left I will take you're advice and push nutrients again tonight once the lights come on now my worry is I've put final flush into the mix which basically has magnesium and sulfates in it do I need to change out my reservoir or can I put the nutes in to the same res without more repercussions?.


Well-Known Member
You're good man, didn't offend me, I'm pretty used to all types of folks around here. The mag sulfate won't hurt anything.

I personally have tried flushing and not flushing. And I encourage all growers to run their own experiments too. The more I learned about plant biology the more I realized why flushing never do anything in my garden. You quite literally can not flush "nutrients" out of your buds.

Your not wrong about the chance flushing it might trigger a defense response. However it's not a guarantee, and it's just as likely it could flood the roots and slow growth more.

Personally in your spot I would feed it at least another 2 weeks until the stigma really change and receed. In the mean time keep reading and decide if at that point you want to flush. That way if you do flush you aren't reducing the growth the plant is trying to do any earlier then you have to.

Once you have properly finished a plant to it's real peak potential you won't ever want to harvest early again :) for any avoidable reason ;).

Then the next step is a nice slow dry for the best flavor and smoke.


Well-Known Member
It's been so long since my old grows I'm kind of in the dark again, I lost all my old pictures which I was going to look at to re-aquant myself with the general progression. I have harvested fully ripened stuff before but it was like 5 years ago so remembering how things went is difficult.

I need to get the feel for how things go again, and doing it with a plant that has had issues throughout isn't making that any easier. I'll push the nutrients again tonight and well see how things go from there.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
You can always taper the feed down over the next couple weeks. That's a pretty common way of handling the reduced needs at the end without com eyelet starving the plant while it's still growing.

Good luck man, I look forward to seeing how things go for you.


Well-Known Member
looking good brother, im going to take mine as far as i possibly can, ive cut to early in the past and i know i lost out big time, well never again , lol


Well-Known Member
I think there are people that would harvest now. As a matter of fact I am cutting a plant tonight that look almost identical to that :). I am hoping to have it smokable by 4/20 but we will see. I won't rush the other plants, but I am out I bud again :).

If you leave it another 8-10 days it WILL be better!

I have 13 more plants on this harvest cycle and they will all get another 7-14 days depending on strain.


Well-Known Member
@Thundercat thank you for convincing me to wait, she is really coming along so much nicer than I thought she would. She's gotten so sugary and now I'm sure she's putting on plenty of weight.


Well-Known Member
@Thundercat thank you for convincing me to wait, she is really coming along so much nicer than I thought she would. She's gotten so sugary and now I'm sure she's putting on plenty of weight.
Your welcome, I'm not gonna lie that is ALWAYS the response I get from people that listen to me :) about harvest times. I am not the best grower in the world by any means, but I would like to think I've learned a few things over the years :blsmoke:.