Ignorant people, so funny


Active Member
Longitudinal research on marijuana use among young people below college age indicates those who used marijuana have lower achievement than the non-users, more acceptance of deviant behavior, more delinquent behavior and aggression, greater rebelliousness, poorer relationships with parents, and more associations with delinquent and drug-using friends.
Research also shows more anger and more regressive behavior (thumb sucking, temper tantrums) in toddlers whose parents use marijuana than among the toddlers of non-using parents.

- OHS drug testing company

crazy nuts who sell drug testign and backround tests to employers, so screwed up, google the quote


i love those "specific facts" they give....how did they measure "rebelliousness??? i thought that was a normal product of puberty/adolescence?? pure bullshit marketing aimed at worried parents....parents that want something to blame for their kids behavior rather than doing some actual parenting.


Well-Known Member
lol i can see some of those other things happening but "Research also shows more anger and more regressive behavior (thumb sucking, temper tantrums) in toddlers whose parents use marijuana than among the toddlers of non-using parents." i just dont believe that


Well-Known Member
not to come off the wrong way or sound like the bragging idiot we all hate, but fuck those ignorant peeps, i smoked all through high school,college, and now I am 26 and lets just say i dont have a boss and bought my mom a house:-)Anything you do not have balance with can cause all of the above stated to happen in ones life, no matter the age, just that in youngins like seedlings they are developing and dont have that ability usually to balance weed or anything else at that. Just demonizing a very good organic medicine b/c the truth would fuck with a lot of heavy hitters like pharmaceutical companies and cigarette comps. These people dont want America to hear the truth about cannabis, b/c just maybe they wont smoke cigs as often or keep buying that sleep medicine every month etc....


Active Member
well heres my feeling, i never smoke, cant take the hits, bad lungs for it lol, but i make a mean tea,food,and alc/bud mix, plus i consiter vaporization not smoking, i gain no bad effects, im actually more partial to the calming,relaxed feelings for the next few days after, ive never had higher grades, averaging A while majoring in biological sciences and a minor in chemistry, it does not affect memory, and may even help retention through making you more calm, it is a benificial herb, and quite an amazing one at that, it helps more than it hurts, just everything in moderation, dont get caught up in it, but thats just because some people have adicting personalitys, stupid politicians and thier bull crap info, so biased and crap.

Ganja Power!!!!!