If you have nothing to hide, why do you care about government surveillence?


Well-Known Member
I think they would be less likely to follow the group think mentality. I am kinda curious if they give a IQ test nation wide, I never took one, but I started in 1950's.

I have always got a chuckle out of the fact that a test that's used to gauge mental retardation has become a test of intelligence over the years.
Sorry, you're not retarded enough to be a cop.


Well-Known Member

Monsanto hires mercenaries to infiltrate activist groups
A death tech firm weds a hit squad.

While the list of violations the US Department of State found Blackwater guilty of is extensive, the company was only fined $42M. The company name 'Blackwater' was changed to Xe (pronounced 'zee') in 2009, which Source Watch called a 'rebranding effort.' The company is now up for sale.
Old article, but yes, Monsanto owns a private army.


Well-Known Member
And can you post a link to where it states Monsanto bought Blackwater?

Or did they just hire an armed security detail?

As usual, fear and absolute delusion is all you bring to the table.
The way the article reads they didn't even do that. They bought intelligence and THOUGHT about infiltrating the groups.


Well-Known Member
Oh and nice cherry pick, did you leave this part out intentionally or through your regular idiocy?

"AFP reported Blackwater operatives were accused of killing 17 Iraqis, wounding a further 22 in what was said to be an unprovoked attack in 2007. The company was later cleared of all wrongdoing"


Well-Known Member
Too funny!!!

A row of suits with flowers. A bunch of hippies distributing, calmly, gun barrels down the line. Wild. Stand to Boys, it's a charge!

You know thinking about this, I bet what happened first, was plow shares were beaten into swords.


Well-Known Member
Why do I care?
I may have just discovered a cure for cancer and don't trust the FDA.
Or, came up with a battery that can be charged by dragging it behind a vehicle its powering, reliable enough to replace gasoline.
Maybe I'm a whistle blower relaying info about homeland security.
Or a CEO planning a merger...
There are plenty of ways this info could be use for 'fraudulent' financial gains.


Well-Known Member
Yeah don't worry about the private unaccountable army with a history of illegal brutality.
Yeah cos Blackwater are so much worse than the pigs.

They both do it for money you know, but at least Blackwater only attack people who are violent/threatening towards them.


Well-Known Member

Civil disobedience rising across America as citizens fed up with criminal government

Nearly everywhere you turn, crowds of angry Americans are gathering, no longer content to merely sit idly by and remain spectators to the cavalcade of injustices being perpetuated ad nauseum against We the People by criminal governments that have long since lost their legitimacy.


Well-Known Member
And if you have a disorder, you might turn to drink, it will make it worse, true. But, it can give you a disorder, all on it's on. I'm going through this with an old friend. Dr. Jekyl by day...get the picture? In fact, due to the meds I take, I haven't drank in years. Yet, my friend takes much the same. The bottles say, DO NOT TAKE WITH ALCOHOL.

Now, there are other warnings on other meds, less stern....no heavy machinery, all that. But, I know that DO NOT is serious.

But, pills, with DO NOT are doled out like candy these days. So, I have a long experience with all drugs. Only a few of the far out, boutique stuff, I passed. I was very abusive and had a hard time getting past cocaine, etc. But, alcohol was the worse. It is, IMO, far more additive than all else.

It is at least as debilitating long term, as anything. The poor liver. We take micrograms, milligrams, but then with booze, it is ounces of alcohol. If it hasn't turned on you yet, I hope it will. It cost me bucks, jail. DUI diversion courses. The Highway Patrol even lifted an 1/8 of greenbud. "Ah, silly sauce!," he says. It disappeared into his pocket.

Also, in the end, it is more tolerance building than Valium. Move easily up to a quart a day. I did. Drink a quart a day until you blow that artery in your throat. That happened to another guy i know. He didn't make it.

It's very similar to cocaine addiction to me. A little bit is not enough, and any more is way too much. :)

But, knock yourself out. In my experience, there are few tolerable drunks and many sociopaths that are hiding in alcohol.
You know what, I agree with you.

You don't only say dumb shit.

Don't worry, I already know I'm a prick, get over it.