If you are from MA PLEASE Vote YES ON QUESTION 4!


If your in MA and are reading this I just want to URGE and ENCOURAGE anyone or anyone from the state you know to be sure to vote YESON4✔ on November 8 to bring Common Sense to MA and end Prohibition and Legalize, Regulate, and Tax Cannabis like Alcohol and Tobacco.

The system is failed and harms more people than it helps. We NEED to put an end to police harassment and the arresting and terrorism used by police to go after people who choose to use a harmless natural plant.
It's very close basically 50-50 with all the lies and fake facts and warnings and bullshit scare tactics and reefer madness type fear tactics used by the state to scare as many people as possible to vote against legalization. Their lies and fear of what ifs and them making legalization seem like it'll cause the sky to fall, more kids using drugs and even though it would and medically does get people off opiates them making claims it'll increase opioid use. They also claim and are running commercials showing crazy scenarios like a cop car with it's lights and siren on chasing after a speeding car that flips while a mother and her child go to the store and see a shop with a cannabis leaf on it and candies in the window and the kid looking enticed while they quote bullshit facts like in Colorado there are more pot shops than McDonald's and Starbucks. Than the woman's kid walks out of the shop with a brown bag with a bong and she acts all shocked and worried.
So many people who would have easily voted yes have changed their minds as so many people are brainless and take what they hear to the bank without checking facts themselves. The state doesn't want us to have any freedom. Do NOT let the fear based state backed campaign against legalization and freedom win. Help end ruining lives and racism, the terrible state financial deficit, the medical patients who can't get to a dispensary and the status quo to end.

So please, if you know anyone in MA OR are from MA yourself don't just stay home or not vote. Legalization will only occur if EVERYONE who wants to see common sense win and stop forcing people needing to deal with drug dealers who don't check for contaminants or care about age and who also have access to other more harmful drugs to stay around and keep letting the state waste funds to fly helicopters and raid peoples houses and yards for weed. Cannabis should be dealt with as a Public Health issue just like Tobacco, Alcohol, and even Gambling.

I offered to volunteer with the campaign and am starting tomorrow going to do phone banking and call people to talk to them to tell them about the reality of things and to urge them to vote yes on 4. Despite the fact we have decriminalize to on and medical(both just like question 4 made by the people as the state us against it) people are being targeted, harassed, and arrested. Minorities are still arrested for having weed even leas than an O and arrested not ticketed 3:1. We need to end this failed system of injustice. I hope I am able to help the cause.
The state even went as far as to flat out print lies in the 2016 ballot question information booklet they sent to everyone's house in the mail with false facts and claims. If question 4 fails MA won't have a chance to legalize again till 2022.

So PLEASE tell everyone and anyone from MA to vote YESON4✔
