If U Care About Ur Plants Get This!


Well-Known Member

Jesusfuckingchrist Panda.... I can't believe you are advocating stealing a fellow growers work because the GOVERNMENT hasn't stepped in... SHAME ON YOU!
Something extra funny about the Gov't stepping in on a grower's grow book's profits.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I stopped what I was doing and tried to help this BC dude during his apparent first visit to RIU about a week ago. He replied with sarcasm. He ain't gonna grow anything . . . all mouth.
I really think Canada has a better education system than this guy represents here. He doesn't want to do any research . . . just wants giant buds to appear. I knew lots of wise-a*s FNG's in the jungle . . . most of them didn't come home all together.

Some people aren't mature enough to have access to the internet.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with your ENTIRE post!

1st of all.... who cares how much money a writer has made... it's STILL THEIR WORK! They are STILL entitled to not have their work stolen! I mean given your logic then we could say MERCEDES has made enough money on their cars.... so perhaps we are all entitled to break in and steal some cars from them.... NOT!

2nd... thinking the GOVERNMENT is the answer is UNFUCKINGBELIEVEABLE! I can't even believe a fellow poster here would EVER suggest the government policing the Internet as preferable.... HOW ABOUT PEOPLE HAVE SOME FUCKING MORALS AND DON'T STEAL ... WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT TELLING THEM NOT TO!!!

Jesusfuckingchrist Panda.... I can't believe you are advocating stealing a fellow growers work because the GOVERNMENT hasn't stepped in... SHAME ON YOU!
well everyone has their opinion I see the world like this, if I leave my wallet on the seat at the airport I should expect to get it taken when I don't keep my eye on it. Now I wouldn't take someone's wallet and keep it, cuz that person may need it and I would emotionally feel bad.

but practically speaking people will steal shit, morally is another thing, I don't have any real morals just my emotional kindness, I don't feel the need to be emotionally kind to someone who is well off so I would have no problem not paying for it if they cant keep a lid on their shit and everyone is getting it for free. to me its stupid to pay for it due to the above mentioned circumstances and my emotional feelings on the subject.

I don't kill people not because killing is wrong but because I don't want to hurt people and make them sad because that would make me sad. so you see any good thing you do is always for a selfish reason even if you give your life for someone its still because you selfishly wanted to.

there is no god in my eyes so I fear nothing but my own guilt and or punishments by people with more power than I. I.E. la policia / government agencies

this may be a dark cynical way of viewing the world but in my estimation there is no consequence except your conscious and the potential negative reaction that could occur to your actions

now if it doesn't bother my conscious and if there is no negative reaction for my actions then I will most likly proceed.

now this is why we have laws, you may not steal this guys book, but you may break other laws that don't bother your conscious, so in essence we are the same just with different conscious / emotional thresholds.

couple this with the fact that everyone is selfish and everyone allows people to die every day rather than not buying needless material possessions and instead using that money to save starving children.

this factor to me makes it impossible for me to listen to moral lessons from people who are essentially culpable in the deaths of their very own people through their own inaction and greed for unnecessary and extravagant products and services. me included ofcoarse.

I will say this tho, you are a better person than I
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Well-Known Member
n florida girl OPEN UR EYES MAN the capitalist system which america is based on is all about screwin ppl over 4 ther money its ALL about ME ME ME so y not screw the capitalists over n get somethin for free wen u got the chance n by the way im pretty sure that jorge buddy only gets a small portion of the money from these books the rest goes to the publishers and printers who already have waaay too much


Well-Known Member
ok shit
if u dont want to "steal" then DONT DOWNLOAD IT
but if u wanna save some $ and get this awesome book for free
then do it
i got it and it is awesome. it has 5 massive full color sections
its free so why not use your resources.
too many whiners in this world


Active Member

I disagree with your ENTIRE post!

1st of all.... who cares how much money a writer has made... it's STILL THEIR WORK! They are STILL entitled to not have their work stolen! I mean given your logic then we could say MERCEDES has made enough money on their cars.... so perhaps we are all entitled to break in and steal some cars from them.... NOT!

2nd... thinking the GOVERNMENT is the answer is UNFUCKINGBELIEVEABLE! I can't even believe a fellow poster here would EVER suggest the government policing the Internet as preferable.... HOW ABOUT PEOPLE HAVE SOME FUCKING MORALS AND DON'T STEAL ... WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT TELLING THEM NOT TO!!!

Jesusfuckingchrist Panda.... I can't believe you are advocating stealing a fellow growers work because the GOVERNMENT hasn't stepped in... SHAME ON YOU!
Well do you download your music for free? if so then that's pretty much like downloading that book for free and if your against it then why don't you buy the music? and besides its like one of the rules I go by , if you can get some thing for free and other people pay for it then its not wrong because your smarter then the other people for buying it and using the resorces heck its like me , I buy and burn a copy of my movies and people ask me if they can get a copy and they lend me a movie to make my self a copy
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Active Member
illegal??????????????? what the fuck....growin cannabis is not, huh?
pretty much every one does some thing illegal , wouldn't be surprised if she downloads music for free actually I'd find it funny if she does because just about every one downloads music for free heck I download music for free but I still go out and buy music cds


Well-Known Member
Wow Not a torrent lol Get Some Balls lol Its only a torrent hahahah thats FUNNY
Which the seeds are noobs with a shit upload limit SO DONT WASTE your time
USE NZB'S All the same but MAX speed with SSL
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Well-Known Member
yeah....and i bet that most of you ppl have antivirus. RIGHT ??!!!???
It doesnt matter if its a good virus then as soon as download fully opr opened then THE BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH LOL
but anywayz it would take 3 years to get it lol 2 seeds with a shity upload limit

Black Light

Well-Known Member
This thread should be closed, it\'s causing alot of conflict.

People have different opinions and views on piracy GET OVER IT PEOPLE!!!


Well-Known Member
init tho and they talk about it on a site like this one hahaha
and still they worrie about downloading torrents .. ??
i dont undserstand
but still i buy anything which is worth it