If I start out with reg seeds not femanized


Well-Known Member
and get a female at 7 weeks of flower, i notice nannas-- i pull the nannas and continue to flower--it is a DeSjaaman White Widow from the Attitude, the site said to flower for 8 weeks and keep in dark for 2 weeks then chop

my question is if i use pollen on another female will i get femed beans-- another part to my problem is- i pollenated two lower branches of this plant it seems that im going to have a problem with hole plant from nannas - im not going to be able to tell what i pollenated with a male plant or what plant pollenated itself, so i plan to not use any of the seeds and just focus on collected nannas

what are your thoughts
thanks 1Luv

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I think that if your female is a hermie then any pollen from the nannas would carry a very high risk of producing hermie seeds through either self pollination or pollinating any other female.

Any seeds from your hermie female, would most likely grow into hermies - regardless of whether they were self pollinated or pollinated by a male (could get male plants too).

Personally, I would just kill the hermie as it wouldn't really add any value to my grow set-up.


Well-Known Member
and get a female at 7 weeks of flower, i notice nannas-- i pull the nannas and continue to flower--it is a DeSjaaman White Widow from the Attitude, the site said to flower for 8 weeks and keep in dark for 2 weeks then chop

my question is if i use pollen on another female will i get femed beans-- another part to my problem is- i pollenated two lower branches of this plant it seems that im going to have a problem with hole plant from nannas - im not going to be able to tell what i pollenated with a male plant or what plant pollenated itself, so i plan to not use any of the seeds and just focus on collected nannas

what are your thoughts
thanks 1Luv
sounds like a real mess. start again ,dont use those seeds and hope for better luck next time.


Well-Known Member
This is as I understand it, and I'm sure someone will have a different opinion. The first major question is, did the plant hermie as a result of stress or did it just naturally hermie? Stressed would be better pollen to use, but either way.

From what I've read if you pollenate a different female plant with that naturally occurring hermie pollen you'll get female and hermie seeds. if you pollenate a different female plant with the pollen from the hermie that occurred due to stress, you'll get feminized seeds.

A third possibility looks like what you have going on, is to use the pollen from a female that goes late into harvest and tries to pollenate itself. That should work best. You are late into flower and it looks like your female is trying to fix the problem of having no males around. I would absolutely use that pollen.

Your mileage may vary...

Good luck