If attitude rox,s,why dont they buy advert?


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing how solid attitude is,i hear how they give freebies,i hear this and that.What i don't hear is them buying advertisement to keep sites like this going that promote their works.If they cared they would support it,instead of have kids and others post every other hour how great they are,hey i guess why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free.


Active Member
I keep hearing how solid attitude is,i hear how they give freebies,i hear this and that.What i don't hear is them buying advertisement to keep sites like this going that promote their works.If they cared they would support it,instead of have kids and others post every other hour how great they are,hey i guess why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free.
Yeah Ive been thinking the same thing. They seem smart. The whole free seeds thing once a month is VERY smart. They give a few free seeds if you pay shipping. So all they are out is 1-5 seeds that probably are the ones that arent selling well anyhow (ex..this months free seeds are a joke IMO) so you go online and get a free seed and you think to yourself "hmmm I should get a few more while Im here" now you just put their "free seeds" to not so free and people that wouldnt have usually bought, end up buying.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Ive been thinking the same thing. They seem smart. The whole free seeds thing once a month is VERY smart. They give a few free seeds if you pay shipping. So all they are out is 1-5 seeds that probably are the ones that arent selling well anyhow (ex..this months free seeds are a joke IMO) so you go online and get a free seed and you think to yourself "hmmm I should get a few more while Im here" now you just put their "free seeds" to not so free and people that wouldnt have usually bought, end up buying.

Who cares really, I pay no attention to the adds on here anyways.. Leave it to those "get rich schemed" sites like grass to green.


Well-Known Member
Who cares really, I pay no attention to the adds on here anyways.. Leave it to those "get rich schemed" sites like grass to green.
i dont like the get rich schemes either,but they pay the bills while the seed hacks have a free ride.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Ive been thinking the same thing. They seem smart. The whole free seeds thing once a month is VERY smart. They give a few free seeds if you pay shipping. So all they are out is 1-5 seeds that probably are the ones that arent selling well anyhow (ex..this months free seeds are a joke IMO) so you go online and get a free seed and you think to yourself "hmmm I should get a few more while Im here" now you just put their "free seeds" to not so free and people that wouldnt have usually bought, end up buying.
i have more free seeds then i want,if i had room to grow free seeds i would be a happy man.and i never got a free seed that i wanted.the only ones i grew out were nepal baba.and i didnt want a 12-13 week sativa.also had bad germ rates with freebies.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I agree. My first seed purchase was from Attitude, and only because they have such good rep. here. With all the good words people here say about them, it would be nice if they were a paying sponsor to help this place out. Also, having a banner means people don't need to leave site to find them to place an order...and their order also helps the site, I would assume.


Well-Known Member
It's a good buisness, Why pay for advertising when it comes from word of mouth? How come everyone here does not contribute?
a whole lot of people contribute,they take the time to answer questions for people who have problems,and they dont get one red cent from it.now seed sellers get rewarded hansomely,so i dont see the parralels.but i do believe in contributions,but the seed industry is the big winner,they can put some money back,no?


New Member
I keep hearing how solid attitude is,i hear how they give freebies,i hear this and that.What i don't hear is them buying advertisement to keep sites like this going that promote their works.If they cared they would support it,instead of have kids and others post every other hour how great they are,hey i guess why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free.
They actually do offer advertising... RIU just hasn't contacted them at least that I know of.


Well-Known Member
I guess in a since your right,,but having a reliable source and staying simi-under the radar is a good thing, Like I have heard companies that advertise in High Times etc,,,are watched and problems have a occured. You gotta realize this is all fairly new and still risky depending on where you live.


Well-Known Member
They actually do offer advertising... RIU just hasn't contacted them at least that I know of.
hey you stumped me,were did you find that.but i wasa talking not just attitude,other seed makers have great sales and have people trumping thier strains,im not going to name the seed makers if you ben a member here long enough you know who they are and they know who they are,just i seen a huge run on attitude,before that was tga before that elite,and so on and so on.but hey to each thier own.but nice post,but then 15% on orders were a codes applied not sure how that compares to just buying a spot,maybe rui gets the short end of the stick,i dont know so i wont say.


Well-Known Member
even if RIU gets the short end, IM STILL HERE. i love this damn site! i stay on this shit all day;-)
ya its a much needed site for many people,a lot of people are scared to register but they read through the stuff to learn and get them through a grow.it has helped many many people i imagine.i notice the other big site doesn't allow you to trump any seed banks unless only the boo,not sure what it means.but i guess the seed bank owns the site,then you get a lot of bullshit politics that doesn't really do the community justice,but theirs bullshit here so who am i to say.but i think when you have made the amounts of some of the better known seed makers(and spare me the greenhouse bad,these small guys good)to all its about the cash.nothing wrong with that,but hey its all the same.how many people trash nirvana and they have a paid site here.but i dont really know the ins and outs of the business side of rollitup,actually i know zip about it.


Well-Known Member
with my attitude is any wonder most trappers still don't have plumbing lol.i used to go work 7/12 through the winter,then come out in spring cash my chexes and go pay for 8 kids to go to summer camp,then buy 5 boxes of Kraft dinner to mix with moose meat for my summer meals those were the days,to be young and stupid,so business savvy i don't have


Well-Known Member
Has anyone in this thread ever tried to contact an admin or taken a look at the support forum?? RIU is not really being run like a business. I think that IF attitude wanted to advertise they prolly wouldnt get a response from RIU any ways. I mean, seriously, if you cant even get your act together to accept $ for elite rolling society (it's PURE PROFIT) then why get off your butt to make advertising dollars?

My .02



Active Member
even if RIU gets the short end, IM STILL HERE. i love this damn site! i stay on this shit all day;-)
Yeah I agree. After checking other forums filled with total assholes, this is my home now and I unbookmarked the asshole sites. Not to mention the begging for money everytime I log on. There is a tasteful way to ask for donations and it isnt by throwing it in the faces of members. I didnt even get anything out of those sites that would make me want to donate. If RIU asked for a donation, Id do it.


bud bootlegger
i agree with the person who mentioned how it is impossible to join the elite membership here on riu.. i was on a thread the other day where a person asked how you pay for the elite membership, and got maybe two or three responses from a moderator on maybe a 50 page thread.. and the money generated from the elite memberships is pure profit.. i am starting to see how this site isn't all that concerned about making money, which can be a good thing really..
i think we should be glad that it is the way that it is.. a site run by any outside company would have too many agendas to push and we, the users, would loose many of the freedoms that we have here at riu..
oh well... thats my .o2 cents ..


Well-Known Member
i don't know maybe it is good that its not run like a money grubbing hit site.their is enough greed in this business as is,you read enough of the different mags and sites you get a feel for who the ass kissers are and who's hungry for more money money money,and it turns you sick.im not saying i want it to go like the boo,were anyone can sell a poly hybrid if you have the connections,then no one is aloud to mention another source,freedom of speech is what we fight for.but im not sure of the bandwidth costs or stuff like that but it is a lot faster from the early days.and i remember elections and really only one mod fdd2blk doing the bulk of the work after a while,not sure why.i saw earlier someone saying bogs seeds for sale at the boo,i know you cant say xyz seeds on sale at thingamajig other then the boo at boo or whatever the real name is.so it is what it is.and if it floats it floats.but i still rather see seed makers pay the bills over the scam adds,just my .0001 cents


Well-Known Member
The scam ads are annoying, and the only seedbank that advertises here, I've heard bad things about, but have heard nothing but good about Attitude, Hemp Depot, and a couple others, I wish they would advertise here, as another member here said, you could place an order without leaving this site, and that would be convenient. For now I'll stick with seed banks that have good word of mouth reputation. :bigjoint: