Idk if its against the rules but i seek prop 215 ppl w/ legit illensses...


Well-Known Member
Your attitude against fellow card holders sucks. You're talking down to people that you think have cards that don't deserve it. Truth is you, we, medical, and the mj community need all the support we can get. Do you think the only people that voted medical into state law were people with debilitating illnesses? I don't think so. Without the support of EVERYONE that has supported and keeps supporting it, you wouldn't even have the option of being a MMJ patient yourself. I'd say drop the attitude against fellow mmj cardholders and have some compassion for everyone.
He is only making a valid observation. How many times has he said he was not accusing anyone in the conversation? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that people abuse drugs. They also abuse the methods of obtaining them. My guess is that there are far more people with cards that need them than their are fakers that don't. But there are some fakers out there, and some enablers.... i.e., his phone number is 328-KUSH


Active Member
I get that there are people out there that may need mj as a medicine more than others. But we don't need segregation within our own community. Yeah, its his meds and he can do anything he wants with them, freedom of choice; that doesn't bother me. Maybe the next grow will be so good it'll be reserved for celebrities only. Cool go for it. But the original post comes off (to me) as a snooty way to debunk fellow cardholders. It's the same mentality I hear from complete anti-mj people calling everyone in the medical program fakers. Yes the people that make it obvious that people are easily accepted aren't helping the mmj legitimacy at all, but I don't have an issue with them. This was a free flowing plant until gov officials stepped in and declared it illegal. For some its a bullshit game that the government is forcing people to play. I didn't fake anything, but even if I were 100% healthy I'd still apply for a card and still support the community. Power in numbers.


Active Member
The most telling question, and one that seemed to change the expression of the judge, was "Did you see children running in and out of the business?"

The UC said "No." :leaf: