Identifiy possibly laced bud?

soo i had this shit, it was 20 an 8th which is weird because when weed is this good its usually like 60. i mean, i really dont remember much of what i did when i was stoned and what i do remember was pretty fucking amazing. but anyway it had a couple spots that were completely black, they almost resemble tar and it wasnt the actual weed that was black, im sure. i believe it came from chicago.

sorry for the shitty quality but you can still see the black spots. so, does anyone know what this is possibly laced with?



Well-Known Member
That looks like some dirt that got you blazed for some reason lol.It happens.
Nobody would be dumb enough to sell an 8th of dipped bud for only 20.
yeah really, it looks like some shitty shit, but i dont know... i've been smoking for three years though its not like any bud fucks me up


Active Member
I bought some weed that ended up having those black or dark brown spots on some of the buds. I think it's mold but it seemed to always pooch me out way to hard than usual but I'd be high for a while. Could of just been one of those times.


Active Member
More than likely mold, nobodys gonna sell black tar H with 3.5 grams of weed for 20 bucks, that doesnt seem profitable, if you aint dead yet, and it got you high, id say fuck it buddy, haha

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I knew somebody would mention heroin. Time to school yall. Aside from the recently mentioned lack of product margin heroin is the fact that smoking it wouldn't get you high. Quantity/Quality/Capability = Fuck All. Smoking Heroin is the same in terms of Bioavailability. 40% of the Heroin you smoke makes it to your bloodstream. Meaning a net loss. It just doesn't work. :-(
Dude why is your sig so fucking big