ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
ewwwwwwww blacks, lol. glad your off that shit man its nothing but filth. im taking my first snowboard trip on january after being in U.S. for 3 years man i cant stop thinking how sick its gonna be


Well-Known Member
I quit smoking cigs 2 months ago yesterday! wooo!!! Good job quiting!

Washington here. Woot!

I dont snowboard or ski.. I wrecked my back when I was a teenager snowboarding.. ended up hyper-extending it, so I don't do anything that could cause me issues with it. I enjoy watching though! ha


Well-Known Member
Days since ground-break: 59 days
Days of 12/12: 25 (3 weeks, 4 day)
Number of plants: 1
Lights: (1) 150w HPS, (1) 42w CFL, (2)26w CFL
Lumens: 15,000 + 2,700 + (2)1,600 = 20,900
Light Cycle: 12/12
Temps: 80ºF
Nutes: FF BigBloom 1/2 strength sometimes

Welp, I'm 3.5/10 the way through with flowering. So not quite half. White Widow calls for 8-10 weeks and I am going for the full 10. They say the frost really pours on between the 8th and 10th weeks so... I want to see how ice cold I can get these babies.

I am updating because #3 was really pushing her way into my chicken wire. Yes, forcing the fence to buckle and bend up.. So, I did one better.. I took string and tied the fence down tightly. No clue what the next move will be but I feel like #3 and I are in a chess match. Your turn sacred plant!

The past few days have been extraordinary. She's looking hot. Rockin some urchins and some frost. I'm so proud of her!

Charlie is doing well too. I lopped off all of his heads but 3. I have them all bagged and ready for them to open up, giving me that sweet male goodness.

Edit: Oh yeah.. my plants still don't have much odor at all. If I touch them and smell my fingers they wreak like delicious, beautiful Marijuana.. But, otherwise there is not much of a scent. I'd say on a scale of 1-10... Maybe a 1.5. Oh well, maybe I have scentless bud.... Frost and urchins dont lie tho! :)

And now what you really want...

Charlie Baws

Charlie Baws

Charlie Heads

#3 Urchins

I tie you down!


Anchor points...

Lookin' hot yo!


Well-Known Member
ICU, your plants are looking great, man! A+!!!

If things go well for me this week, I will be joining you in HPS bliss, although I'm gonna bite the bullet and get a 400W.

+rep, bro


Active Member
I have a seedsman WW grow at exactly 30 days from seed. im using a 150watt HPA and two 100watt CFL daylight im gonna veg for probably about 75 days though. in about a week or so i will put in a screen and top my plant for the first time. its really interesteing to see how the grows differ. subbed