Ice Bucket This !


Well-Known Member
I'm not sharing ice buckets, but that is an interesting article. Has the hypothesis been tested in the 24 years since?


Well I have lyme & studied it alot.... Sit down ! It is the #1 Vector born illness & no one hardly ever has it because the testing is flawed. It is MS, ALS, Crones, Fybro, Parkinson's, Dementia, Alzheimer, ADD, ADHD,Auto-immune, & a couple of hundred more it just depends where the bug lands in your body.... lyme has 350 symptoms & no 2 have the same.... it is the Holy Grail & the Medical & Big Pharma make Billions off pills & dr visits.... I am the head of the Ohio the lady that runs it worked at the CDC 22+ years......


It is Sexually spread, it is in Mosquito, fleas, ticks, gnats, biting flies & a few more bugs..... It the mother has a baby & she has it & it goes to the baby's brain inside it is Autism ! The Government (CDC) says "Lyme is hard to get & Easy to cure" you know it is the opposite.... well I am living proof it is not easy to rid yourself of....


Exactly ! LOL ! The messed part is the Testing is Terrible as all testing is different some look for 1 strain of 100's Labcore looks for 6... It is only legal to treat Lyme with Long term Antibiotics (only thing that crushes it enough so your body can heal) in 5 States..... Insurance companies sue the Dr's for 1 hundred million dollars & because they are using a treatment the IDSA says 1 month works of abx...ya that works if you run to the ER when you find the tic.... once in you it has the most DNA of ANY Bacteria it is Smart, it can move slow / fast can go into 3 forms, Spirochete, intercelluar, and can make a Bio film when it scenes ABX.. They studied it as a Stealth Bio-weapon & the U.S. Army has patents on it..The bacterial spirochete can invade and infect any organ in humans and animals. If not diagnosed early, if left untreated or not treated adequately, it may develop into debilitating arthritic, cardiac, neurological, digestive, or psychiatric conditions. It can cause long-term disability or can even be fatal. It can cross the placenta into the fetus, and its DNA can be found in breast milk. It is called the “Great Imitator” for it mimics other diseases such as: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or an array of mental disorders...


that article is factual.... You can find conflicting info on this Bacteria for some reason.... not many others........ just this one it seems..... " I am not a Doctor, I just had to play one in Real Life to Save My Own !" LOL !


Well-Known Member
Well I have lyme & studied it alot.... Sit down ! It is the #1 Vector born illness & no one hardly ever has it because the testing is flawed. It is MS, ALS, Crones, Fybro, Parkinson's, Dementia, Alzheimer, ADD, ADHD,Auto-immune, & a couple of hundred more it just depends where the bug lands in your body.... lyme has 350 symptoms & no 2 have the same.... it is the Holy Grail & the Medical & Big Pharma make Billions off pills & dr visits.... I am the head of the Ohio the lady that runs it worked at the CDC 22+ years......
Are you sure you and the others who claim to have it aren't hypochondriacs?


Yep... I lived it..... I am better now... I would not believe it myself if I did not go thru it....the pain moves around the body for no reason & I had many weird symptoms, itchy shins, skin issues, bi polar, short fuse, brain fog, short term memory loss, could not lift my right arm towards the end, could not sleep but no energy & dead tired, severe headache.....ALL gone with diet & antibotics... almost bedridden when I found a Dr that has had lyme.....
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I am 6'2 220 pounds former Defensive tackle & bouncer & a pretty bad ass so no... no reason to fake I am self insured as I own my own biz... it is very real & people "Look" fine.... I did til i lost a bunch of weight & muscle mass & got really stiff joints & not those joints LMAO !

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
what the fuck does dumping water over your head have to do with ALS, or lyme disease, or ANYTHING other than winning the superbowl?

the claims that ALS is actually lyme disease is unproved, dubious, and frankly kinda silly.

the website youre hyping is full of scams, witchdoctorism, patently retarded "nutraceuticals" and offers to sell bullshit cures "THEY" dont want you to know about.

looks like "vaccines cause autism" version 3.0


Well-Known Member
what the fuck does dumping water over your head have to do with ALS, or lyme disease, or ANYTHING other than winning the superbowl?

the claims that ALS is actually lyme disease is unproved, dubious, and frankly kinda silly.

the website youre hyping is full of scams, witchdoctorism, patently retarded "nutraceuticals" and offers to sell bullshit cures "THEY" dont want you to know about.

looks like "vaccines cause autism" version 3.0

Its a facebook fad, everyone else is doing it, so all the other sheep get in line.

Our business was charged with this bullshit of dumping water on our heads. We posted a video of us all lined up kicking the ice buckets over, and I and each of my 7 employees whipped our a hundo instead, sponsored by our business.

Figured if we were gonna help, that we would do something other than just jumping on some fuckin wagon as it went by.


what the fuck does dumping water over your head have to do with ALS, or lyme disease, or ANYTHING other than winning the superbowl?

the claims that ALS is actually lyme disease is unproved, dubious, and frankly kinda silly.

the website youre hyping is full of scams, witchdoctorism, patently retarded "nutraceuticals" and offers to sell bullshit cures "THEY" dont want you to know about.

looks like "vaccines cause autism" version 3.0
Not peddling shit..... so do your own research Doc ! lmfao ! @ U !

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Not peddling shit..... so do your own research Doc ! lmfao ! @ U !
"Do Your Own Research!!!"

the mating cry of the internet huckster and conspiracy peddler.

as to your "not peddling shit" claims:


these are just the bullshit ads off the FIRST PAGE, and theres many more.
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