I would like to have your opinion


Hi , I'm currently growing for the first time. My plants are 22 days old and they are starting to have nut deficiencies (probably nitrogen). I've added some bat guano (12-1-1) yesterday and it doesn't seam to fix the problem. The plant on the pictures is the one showing (what I think is) a lack of nitrogen , I would like to know if the guano will do the job (2 tea spoon+ water) or should I buy something chemical to fix the problem? Since bio stuff usually take longer to be absorbed and I don't want to take any chances.

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Well-Known Member
no but for real your fine they will let you know just watch to see how it treats them, give it more time and some more "nuts" if necessary my guess is you might need a more diverse fertilizer


Active Member
mmhm... when i first started growing i jus used a 13-13-13 fert. for uh soy beans i think....laughf if you wana but it worked...never had a nute prob. i would hit somthin like that up. feed your nutes at half strenth always. then slowly work your way up to full..i usually hit full nute power half way threw flowering. also trim away any leaf thats over 50% yellowed or wilted. if it stays on the plant it will mold and rot. cut the stem or leaf at a 45 degree angle...thats like this----------> /
if u ddnt pay attention in math class. good luck yo!


Active Member
no deficiency that i can see..those two leaves at the bottom are supposed to brown and die off anyway. guano will work more effectively if you let it soak in water for 48 hrs. if you just top dress or mix in with water it may take a 3 - 5 days before it actually starts breaking down for the plant to start using it. Foliar sprays work great too when you notice a deficiency in the leaves.


Active Member
growth appears to be stunted and it could be from a number of reasons - do you keep the medium too wet? - as noted above check the roots, may need up-potting.

what kind of lights? humidity? temps? tap or RO water or? what kind of soil? did you add anything to the soil? Are you or have you been feeding it with anything else?

I would suggest: let it dry out, repot and feed (start out light) with an all purpose organic fert. (liquid kelp fert would be good to start too) Some superthrive, rhizotonic, thrive alive etc. wouldn't hurt either to help stimulate back to health


They are under a 400w hps, their soil right now is 2/3 peat moss perlite with lime and 1/3 sea compost. I use tap water that I let stand for 24h or more, the temperature is between 75-77 with the light on and 65-70 with light off. I don't know the humidity level but my other plants look fine (if the first leafs are suppose to drop than I guess this is my only plant who have a problem). I looked on the side of the pot and roots are visible , I guess I'll repot it in a 1 gallon. Thanks for your answers all, here are the rest of my ladies^^, sorry for the shitty pic.
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Active Member
WOW...thats a lot of plants for your first grow! You're going to need a lot of space and more lighting!


18 , 4 strain. I have another 400w hps but I'll probably only flower 1 or 2 and the others will end up outdoor in late june.


Active Member
hehehe, yeah that's cool, the info & especially pics help tell a much better story :D let us know how the transplant does for you, i'm sure you'll see improvement...they all seem to look good in the group pictures so it may just be isolated or transplant needed


2 days later after repoting, she look fine. I'd like to know if I should install my other light or 1 is enough for vegging?
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