I watched Zeitgeist the movie...Kinda scared...


Active Member
If you all dont know by now that 9-11 was an inside job, that those buildings were rigged to blow(just like building 7!!), and that the "plane" that hit the pentagon was really a missile, and that there should have been debris such as jet engines at both the pentagon and the Pennsylvania crash site, you are idiots. Physics help with this one. How can titanium 2 ton Rolls Royce Jet engines be disintegrated by the very jet fuel they are built to burn??? Another physics question for ya. They found pools of molten steel in the basement of the WTC right? How does jet fuel which is a hydrocarbon and burns at roughly 3000 deg. melt structural steel with a melting point of over 6000 degrees????? The only thing that can melt structural steel is nitromen, or what is in c4 type explosives. Oh, and did u see the pix of the steel girters cut at perfect 45 degree angles? tell me a plane did that too!!! right.


Well-Known Member
If you all dont know by now that 9-11 was an inside job, that those buildings were rigged to blow(just like building 7!!), and that the "plane" that hit the pentagon was really a missile, and that there should have been debris such as jet engines at both the pentagon and the Pennsylvania crash site, you are idiots. Physics help with this one. How can titanium 2 ton Rolls Royce Jet engines be disintegrated by the very jet fuel they are built to burn??? Another physics question for ya. They found pools of molten steel in the basement of the WTC right? How does jet fuel which is a hydrocarbon and burns at roughly 3000 deg. melt structural steel with a melting point of over 6000 degrees????? The only thing that can melt structural steel is nitromen, or what is in c4 type explosives. Oh, and did u see the pix of the steel girters cut at perfect 45 degree angles? tell me a plane did that too!!! right.
Its unreal, yet no one seems to care.


Well-Known Member
If you all dont know by now that 9-11 was an inside job, that those buildings were rigged to blow(just like building 7!!), and that the "plane" that hit the pentagon was really a missile, and that there should have been debris such as jet engines at both the pentagon and the Pennsylvania crash site, you are idiots. Physics help with this one. How can titanium 2 ton Rolls Royce Jet engines be disintegrated by the very jet fuel they are built to burn??? Another physics question for ya. They found pools of molten steel in the basement of the WTC right? How does jet fuel which is a hydrocarbon and burns at roughly 3000 deg. melt structural steel with a melting point of over 6000 degrees????? The only thing that can melt structural steel is nitromen, or what is in c4 type explosives. Oh, and did u see the pix of the steel girters cut at perfect 45 degree angles? tell me a plane did that too!!! right.
^^^ i agree with this guy. shit just doesnt add up. ... if you ppl think we're nuts... do your own damn research. it's not that hard :wall:..
and the history channel "debunking" 9/11 conspiracy doesnt count... i was hoping it would change my mind about it... it just made it more of a conspiracy for me :sad:


Well-Known Member
If you all dont know by now that 9-11 was an inside job, that those buildings were rigged to blow(just like building 7!!), and that the "plane" that hit the pentagon was really a missile, and that there should have been debris such as jet engines at both the pentagon and the Pennsylvania crash site, you are idiots. Physics help with this one. How can titanium 2 ton Rolls Royce Jet engines be disintegrated by the very jet fuel they are built to burn??? Another physics question for ya. They found pools of molten steel in the basement of the WTC right? How does jet fuel which is a hydrocarbon and burns at roughly 3000 deg. melt structural steel with a melting point of over 6000 degrees????? The only thing that can melt structural steel is nitromen, or what is in c4 type explosives. Oh, and did u see the pix of the steel girters cut at perfect 45 degree angles? tell me a plane did that too!!! right.

Actually, if you did your own research instead of accepting what you see and read as fact, you would know that high quality steel has a melting point of no higher then 2400 degrees. That's just to start.


Well-Known Member
zeitgeist is a great movie. I couldnt find any "factual inacuricies". For example, Federal Income Tax was adopted during ww2 and was appropriated to the war, which was legal under the constitution. Since the war ended, Federal Income Tax has been an unappropriated tax, which is constitutionally illegal. "There shal be no unappropriated taxes" is right in there. Also, there is no federal or state law that says that as us citizens we have to pay federal income tax. None. Try to find one. therefore it is not illegal to not pay federal income tax. you may go to jail, you may get hasseled, but in the end you will win. They dont have any defense against the constitution.
This is where you are inaccurate. The government charges us a tax based on the fact that we have fun or something like that.. It some loophole and it is legal.


New Member
This is where you are inaccurate. The government charges us a tax based on the fact that we have fun or something like that.. It some loophole and it is legal.
and you wont win in the long run. you'll be incarcerated for tax evasion.

idk why anyone would think they wouldnt.


Well-Known Member
Actually, if you did your own research instead of accepting what you see and read as fact, you would know that high quality steel has a melting point of no higher then 2400 degrees. That's just to start.
thats were "conspiracy theorist" go wrong... throwing out wrong information. I'm guilty of it too... i agreed with him. We try to do well.. we just fuck up sometimes :wall:...


^ talks about the jet fuel...


Well-Known Member
and you wont win in the long run. you'll be incarcerated for tax evasion.

idk why anyone would think they wouldnt.
if we all said "fuck you... were not paying taxes"... the gov't wouldnt do shit :-P..

.......buuuuut... its not gona happen... so just pay ur taxes :sad:


New Member
if we all said "fuck you... were not paying taxes"... the gov't wouldnt do shit :-P..

.......buuuuut... its not gona happen... so just pay ur taxes :sad:
too many people dont like other people. they'd go against it just for the sake of not agreeing with the people they didnt like.


Well-Known Member
There isn't enough trust or intergrity among people to overthrow the government now adays. Everyone would agree to do it then at the last minute 90% of the population would back out. So instead of the government not being able to stand everyone's pleas at once they just take the few with heart enough to do it and label them as commies.


Well-Known Member
There isn't enough trust or intergrity among people to overthrow the government now adays. Everyone would agree to do it then at the last minute 90% of the population would back out. So instead of the government not being able to stand everyone's pleas at once they just take the few with heart enough to do it and label them as commies.
or Terrorist ! :fire:


Well-Known Member
Like I already I am doing research into the film, and theres a long list of shit to learn about. Snapping on people for welcoming opinions and encouraging discussion on ANY SUBJECT is fuckin ignorant. If your in a bad mood or something smoke a fuckin bowl or something.

So far no one has claimed to accepted this movie as flat out fact. Its just an exchange of ideas and thoughts.

Theres only one person here that is being irrational...
Because 'tards give us all a bad name. I smoke pretty much daily but I also happen to be an engineer with a background in construction. The "9/11 was an inside job" threads piss me off almost as much as "smoking pot makes you stupid" because they are both statements made from ignorance.


Well-Known Member
There isn't enough trust or intergrity among people to overthrow the government now adays. Everyone would agree to do it then at the last minute 90% of the population would back out. So instead of the government not being able to stand everyone's pleas at once they just take the few with heart enough to do it and label them as commies.
If you tried to overthrow the government based on this movie then I would be one of the people shooting AT you and not WITH you.


Well-Known Member
That just furthers what lebowski said. Let me guess you are all for the government? They will do no wrong.