I want this grow perfect, Help make it happen.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I wanted to ask a question about using mycorrhizae in my growing medium and and some details to make it workout.

I would tell you everything im using , but im not sure if i should or could start a growlog in this section.

But the two fungi/mycorrhizae i will be using are : plant success orca liquid mycorrhizae and mykos granular.

For my growing medium i will be using a peat moss and perlite mix from a bale and i will be amending it with sunleaves all purpose bat guano and possibly some work castings and some cow manure on top to retain moisture, and this will be put into fabric grow bags.
For my question, Is there a special way of amending the soil so that it does not damage the mycorrhizae from growing or stunting, Would mixing the soil and letting it absorb the guano and pop and aerate for a few days before using the granular's ?

Is there a chance for the mycorrhizae to colonize the fabric of my bag and destroy the material ?

I know a little about mycology and bacteria and wine making, and would using a little mollases or or micronutrients help the bacteria to develop ?

If im trying to colonize the mycorrhizae is there anything i wana try and avoid doing?

Im worried about PH also, I never had too big of a problem but there could be one over time, Ive bought some ph up and down for my grow and wanted to know if this can effect the benneficial bacteria ? ( I heard this will not effect it, But i do not think the one i bought was organic, then again the amount i would use on a organic guano tea or seaweed/algea formula would be verry little from it being stable already?)

One other question would be about the orca liquid inoculant.
on the sites pdf about the item it says :""Chemical description: Beneficial endomycorrhizal propagules and bacteria suspended in distilled water.""
""Specific gravity: 1.02-1.05 pH: 5.0 – 5.7
Solubility in water: soluble with agitation""

I had a idea of possibly trying to germinate my seeds directly in this inoculant ?

What are your thoughts about this, And What tips and advice can you give me on my grow and how to use my myco for maximum benefits.

I was thinking to sprout my seeds in a seedling mix with liquid inoc that have been germinated in a liquid inoc then when ready to transplant to cover the rootball and some of the hole i will be putting into with the granular's.

I will be using some seaweed brand forgot the name but i can update in my post, some killer tea, earthjuice and some others.


Well-Known Member
A couple pointers...

1) Absolutely DO add worm castings and/or compost. At least 20-25%. This is the backbone of an organic soilless mix.

2) Don't mix the mycos into your soil. Instead, dust them directly onto your roots each time you transplant. Mycos need direct contact with roots to live... They have no interest in your synthetic grow bag...


Well-Known Member
Thanks most of my questions have been answered from you and some of my reading , But im still curious to know If its possible or a good idea to sprout seedlings directly in the liquid inoculant?


New Member
Normally take the high diet proteins if you have the low body weight then make sure for yourself to take daily exercise for the better growth of the health.