I think she's sick


Active Member
ok guys she is 5 days into flowering and lately a lot of leaves started turning yellow and black with drying in the middle of the shade leafs. I noticed little bugs hopping about so I read that dish soap, water and vinegar would help the problem, then hose the plant off after two days, so I did and it looks like the bugs are gone. I water once a week, the humidity is good, the temps are around 80F and I have a fan blowing to keep the bugs away. I have dosed her once with bloom nutes, I scraped it down to half of what it recommends. So do I wait and hope she gets better or should I worry. Thanks.....oh I'm running 6 27watt CFL's 3 & 3, wish I could do HPS but my future awaits....



Well-Known Member
did you spray when your lights were on? because that bottom looks like it of been burned or just didnt like the spray, your new leave look good, take off those burnt leaves and just water next time then add nutes , never spray any water or anything else when the lights are on waite till they go to sleep, then lightly spray, but i wouldnt spray anything else on those girls, they look like there bouncing back!

the widowman

Well-Known Member
the little bugs will be fungus gnats, get gnat off or neem oil keep treating them for a week or so cause they'll probably come back,


Active Member
I water her about every 10 days I soaker then have some run off and check after a week, shoving my finger down into the soil, if wet I leave it for another two days before watering


Well-Known Member
do nothing and wait it out, if things get worse then do something but how often do you feed with nutes?


Well-Known Member
Water every 10 days and then you soak them???? Personally I wouldn't advocate that method of watering. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Maybe your plant is being stressed too much. I would water them every 2nd or 3rd day and not drench them when I do water. I give my 3 girls less than a gallon between them every 2 or 3 days.

I water her about every 10 days I soaker then have some run off and check after a week, shoving my finger down into the soil, if wet I leave it for another two days before watering


Well-Known Member
I have dosed her once with bloom nutes, I scraped it down to half of what it recommends. So do I wait and hope she gets better or should I worry. Thanks.....
Looks like you've over-fertilised her with your bloom nutrients because the lower leaves have burn marks on them. It also looks like you have some Nitrogen deficiency on the lower leaves as well. This often happens at your stage in flowering due to the soil being depleted of Nitrogen and the bloom nutrients not always containing enough to green them up again.

You have two options really, start feeding with a higher Nitrogen nutrient more intended for vegetative growth, but it's not a great idea to feed high levels of Nitrogen within the first 2-3 weeks of flowering because it can cause unnecessary stretching in some strains. Or you can continue with your bloom nutrient and suffer more leaves turning yellow because you can't feed at the level you've already fed at which caused the burn. If you decide to continue with the bloom nutrient, reduce the level to a 1/4 of recommended feed and see how they respond.

It's always better to feed small levels of nutrients 0.5-1.0mil per litre of water regularly, say every other watering then large doses at longer intervals - 2-4mil every third or fouth watering. These plants can only assimilate so many nutrients at a time and any extra is wasted or washed out of the soil by plain waterings.

e2a: It sounds like you're watering is fine, but if you're having to water every 10 days, it sounds like your pot is far too big for the size of plant that's in it. The ideal watering schedule is something around every 3-4 days.


Active Member
she is in a 5 gallon pot so I believe it's ok there. So your saying if I water on a monday give her about a litre with .5 mil of nutes, then on thursday just water, then on a sunday give her 2-4 mil per litre, then start from the beginning? I am so confused and I am losing her fast


Well-Known Member
she is in a 5 gallon pot so I believe it's ok there.
Well it isn't, but I supposed it'll have to be now won't it? A 5 gallon container is WAY too big for the size and age of your plant, I don't even use 5 gallon containers for full size flowering plants grown from seed, let alone a few week old ones.

Also, its no wonder you're only watering once every 10 days! Going to make it tricky to feed it the correct and regular doses of nutrients if you can only feed once every 10 days isnt it?

So your saying if I water on a monday give her about a litre with .5 mil of nutes, then on thursday just water, then on a sunday give her 2-4 mil per litre, then start from the beginning? I am so confused and I am losing her fast
No, that's not what I'm saying and feeding plants isn't like painting by numbers - there's no guaranteed route to success. You can't just water the plant when you feel like it or give it nutrients when you feel like it either - they have to be given on the plants normal watering schedule and as yours is on once every 10 days - you've got a problem, because your plants in a pot far too big for it's current size.

I'm not sure what to advise you to be honest, because potting down to a smaller sized pot is going to be very problematic for you.


Active Member
well thanks for your advice, I am a newbie, but what I might just do is let the soil dry out for another few days then just water like you said every 4 days with about a litre of water with a 1/4 of the nutes, and see what happens, when do you transfer a plant to a 5 gallon pot or do you at all....thought it wasn't a good idea to transplant during the flowering stage.