I think my girl Hermie'd on me can anyone confirm this for me?


Active Member
kinda hard to see but to me it looks like a pollen sac,i may be wrong though,but imo its a pollen sac bro


Active Member
Tear that that bastard off and pretend it never happened.

If you have other plants around, you might be better off pulling the plant, but if you want chance it you can just keep pulling them off. there's a good chance you'll end up with seedy bud though, as they are sneaky.

Edit: you probably have another week or more before they start opening, so it might be worth while to wait a few days and make sure.


Well-Known Member
ya that's a pollen sack(from the looks of the picture)....it hasn't opened yet. Good chance if its putting off one, then its gonna put off, or already has put off more.

I feel the more you rip off the more will come back, always been the case for me.


I have the exact same problem with mine, two little balls are appearing on each node up the stem. Quick question on mine though-their about a month and a half to two months old, I've only been using sunlight on them as opposed to artifical light-should they be showing sex this soon? Theres no way in hell they have been getting only 12 hours of light a day, so they should really still be in the veg stage-I thought flowering only started once they started getting less hours sunlight?