I think I'm smoking too much bud here lately..


Well-Known Member
because I can't remember this for sure.

Therefore.. I have a question.

Alright.. I got my new batch of beans the other day when they arrived. I germinated two of them.. both popped in 2 days.. so I went ahead and planted them in their pots. I grow indoors only.. and only use soil for my medium.

Anyhow.. I noticed this morning when I got up and checked on them.. I noticed that both seeds have just started to push out from the top of the soil. Usually.. what I'll do.. is I will leave my planted seeds in the dark until they break out of the top of the soil.. then I'll start giving them light.

but yeah my question is this.. can I go ahead and start giving them light now?? Or.. should I keep doing what I've been doing.. waiting until I see a plant actually emerge from its seed to give it light??

Would it hurt anything either way??

Thanks in advance for any help..
Just curious..



Well-Known Member
A plant doesnt need any light untill it has leaves to use it. As soon as mine pop the surface I put them under light.


Active Member
i germinated mine went from towel to cup to lighted room they sprouted the next day and day after that had leaves


Well-Known Member
do you use a heating pad if not extra heat from light will speed things up a little

i use a heating pad when split i put in cup covered in saran wrap plant out next day or two

i have used light and not used the light i have also gotten restless and dug out bump in soil to expose plant and all worked fine these babies are resilient most babies are thanks to our creator almost anything works

good luck