I stopped smoking, feel my own mind has changed


Well-Known Member
Keep headstrong bro and anything is possible. If you don't like who you've become YOU CAN CHANGE! Put your mind into it, create a plan and execute it. I've tore my life to shreds in the past, once I had realized what I became I made some serious guidelines for myself that I have still stuck to.

A good question asked above why do you do it? Think about that and be true to yourself about the answer.
I do smoke for my stomach.and it just became part of me I do everything while high....heck.couldnt even call it high...I functioned constantly.while smokeing...id mow lawns ,go to work,drive,clean,sleep,Iongboard,....hell I play call if duty better high than sober im realizing this as I type this and get my ass kicked


Well-Known Member
Keep headstrong bro and anything is possible. If you don't like who you've become YOU CAN CHANGE! Put your mind into it, create a plan and execute it. I've tore my life to shreds in the past, once I had realized what I became I made some serious guidelines for myself that I have still stuck to.

A good question asked above why do you do it? Think about that and be true to yourself about the answer
only thing i will add to this is. if you need help, ask.


Well-Known Member
DUDE.................u are hitting a downward sprial from withdrawl and the lack of endorphines amoung other chemicals

your body has adapted to certin things beeing in the system and u just took them all way of course your hitting the emtional wall at 100 miles a hour but the point is u got to ride the thing out

anything is addicting .................have u seen ppl with out the coffee ...............hell i addicted to ice tea i been drinking it since i was a child i drink about a gallon of it a day everyday for the last 30 years

right your system has to reset and find it's new balance ............yes your going to be a dick /angery a shit load more .............2 to 4 months then u will be lvl and that is when u make your life altering choices ........................right now it like u are a teen again the whole brain chemical system is all wackie

LOL this is a first but Justugh is talking a lot of sense. What your going through happens to everyone that smokes weed. It is just affecting you more because you smoke so much and already have preexisting medical conditions. I also assume that you began smoking at a young age so the effects on your emotions are going to be more profound because that part of your brain is under developed as a result of this. It's an addiction thing and I have it too, it sucks and you have to work on it little by little. After a little while though you will establish a new routine and be right back on track.


Well-Known Member
Started smoking at 18 ...and ive gone in and had tests done and they cant really find anything so it gets thrown in ad ibs.... irritable bowl syndrome ...ive always had a fucked stomach...and intill I can afford to get a colonoscopy I cant really find out much more ...pretty much and food just wrecks my.stomach...ill wake up at 3 am with stomach issues one night and the next.be fine


Well-Known Member
And by stomach pains its im taking a shit 4 times a day a.diarrhea frequently and.lots of stomach cramping...so ya it helps and it sucks dick


Well-Known Member
Symptoms sound similar to lactose intolerance. Also have you looked into Crohns Syndrome? If you have decent insurance you should try seeing a specialist and push them for a definite diagnosis. It's better to catch things early than let them get out of hand- I learned that the hard way. Regardless you should see a doctor. Stressing about the unknown, or anything for that matter, can really mess you up, both physically and mentally.


New Member
I'm not a doctor or anything but I do a lot of online, book, and self research. My younger and older sisters have had messed up stomach/digestive problems for most of their lives. My older sister has it pretty bad, she gets foamy burps (which sound absolutely disgusting), foamy diarrhea, and she'll vomit up anything she tries to eat IF she doesn't eat some FERMENTED food everyday. She eats only organic food and YET this still occurs unless she has something properly fermented in her diet that day.

Fermented foods like, fermented cabbage (sauerkraut, kimchee(Make Sure There's No MSG! Also make sure It's TRULY fermented), RAW honey diluted in water sealed and fermented for at least a few days, kumbucha tea, the list goes on. I urge you to research fermented foods and foods that are probiotic, don't stop at yogurt, dig further. These foods will literally start aiding and healing your digestive tract. Things that can mess up the flora in your tract are many antibiotics, toxic foods (fast food and very processed foods), pesticides, etc. I also would like to suggest looking into Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE). Also Turmeric, used for thousands of years to treat depression, inflammation, pain, etc. If you have digestive problems please please avoid MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate), ALWAYS look at the ingredients! MSG WILL fuck up your intestines and most ALL Fast Food restaurants have MSG in their 'food'.

I sincerely hope you feel better and I hope that I have been of some help.
Best of healing to you <3


Well-Known Member
I'm not a doctor or anything but I do a lot of online, book, and self research. My younger and older sisters have had messed up stomach/digestive problems for most of their lives. My older sister has it pretty bad, she gets foamy burps (which sound absolutely disgusting), foamy diarrhea, and she'll vomit up anything she tries to eat IF she doesn't eat some FERMENTED food everyday. She eats only organic food and YET this still occurs unless she has something properly fermented in her diet that day.

Fermented foods like, fermented cabbage (sauerkraut, kimchee(Make Sure There's No MSG! Also make sure It's TRULY fermented), RAW honey diluted in water sealed and fermented for at least a few days, kumbucha tea, the list goes on. I urge you to research fermented foods and foods that are probiotic, don't stop at yogurt, dig further. These foods will literally start aiding and healing your digestive tract. Things that can mess up the flora in your tract are many antibiotics, toxic foods (fast food and very processed foods), pesticides, etc. I also would like to suggest looking into Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE). Also Turmeric, used for thousands of years to treat depression, inflammation, pain, etc. If you have digestive problems please please avoid MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate), ALWAYS look at the ingredients! MSG WILL fuck up your intestines and most ALL Fast Food restaurants have MSG in their 'food'.

I sincerely hope you feel better and I hope that I have been of some help.
Best of healing to you <3
Damn straight, a few months after going raw and organic, I started to detox heavily in cycles. I'd feel great one week and then like absolute shit the next week, aka a "healing crisis". Bloated, blurred vision, no energy, dizzy and light headededness, etc. I started to get bloated after every fucking thing I ate, even something as simple as raspberries. So I bought some 'sunbiotics' probiotics supplements and raw cacao bars and ate more foods with fructooligosaccharides. That's right, fructooligosaccharides. It helped a lot with the bloating and disappeared shortly after.

I consume turmeric nearly everyday, but you have to mix it with black pepper otherwise the bioavailability of the curcumin is very low. The piperine significantly increases the potency of turmeric. Great for detoxing the liver. My dog, who is 11 and a half, has fragile back legs that seemed to be getting worse. I started giving her coconut oil, turmeric, black pepper, Himalayan salt w/ some combo of thyme/rosemary/cilantro mixed with her food. Not only did her legs get better, but I've seen her sprint more times in the past few months than I did the previous couple of years. She can also poop a lot easier and I attribute that to detoxifying effects of turmeric, probably helped clean/flush her colon. I love nature lol


Well-Known Member
Same, only smoked a half bowl in the past 7-8 days, none in the past 5. I feel fine and dont have any cravings but I'm excited to see how easily I get chopped once I start up again lol


Well-Known Member
I did stool test and allergy tests nothing came up...colonoscopy would be next...and the glutton free shit is to much work plus to spendy.


Staff member
I did stool test and allergy tests nothing came up...colonoscopy would be next...and the glutton free shit is to much work plus to spendy.
lol gluten free.

glut·ton (gl
n)n.1. A person who eats or consumes immoderate amounts of food and drink.
2. A person with an inordinate capacity to receive or withstand something: a glutton for punishment.
3. See wolverine.


Well-Known Member
Imho all that glutton.free and other shit.like that is bs its just the big companies trying to get more money just dont eat so.much shit and ull be good....but pretty much everything upsets my stomach


Active Member
i quit cocaine , probably the hardest thing i will ever do
i quit cigs no probs

but herb, i dont even rate it on as cale of bad - i love it so much, should have a break at some point though


Active Member
i quit cocaine , probably the hardest thing i will ever do
i quit cigs no probs

but herb, i dont even rate it on as cale of bad - i love it so much, should have a break at some point though