I still can't roll a joint!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
My brothers (2 of them) cannot roll a J to save their life. I bought them each a rolling machine. Problem solved. I learned to roll in Uncle Sam's Army. I had a sergeant that spent 20 mins teaching me after he was subjected to one of my loose doobs. Like riding a bike. Patience Grasshopper...........


Well-Known Member
rolling machines are a cheat , it took me about a 3 weeks of trying and about 10 packs of papers until i got it down , all you do is fold the paper so the sticky part is up higher a little than the other , then twist both bottom corners just a litttttttle bit so the weed doesnt fall out of the sides , then just pack the weed down with your fingers and roll it if it doesnt start rolling make it your bitch and just stuff it down anyway lick the stick and then your ready to smoke :) , sorry if this doesnt help its easier to explain if i could take pics or something


Well-Known Member
rolling machines are a cheat , it took me about a 3 weeks of trying and about 10 packs of papers until i got it down , all you do is fold the paper so the sticky part is up higher a little than the other , then twist both bottom corners just a litttttttle bit so the weed doesnt fall out of the sides , then just pack the weed down with your fingers and roll it if it doesnt start rolling make it your bitch and just stuff it down anyway lick the stick and then your ready to smoke :) , sorry if this doesnt help its easier to explain if i could take pics or something

allready done ..... ;)


Well-Known Member
wen i first started blazin i didnt no how to roll, i thought in my head"im never gunnna be able to roll"..then eventualy it just happenedyou'll get it


Well-Known Member
I learned to roll by practice. I bought a 1/4 lb of some leaf one time and sat and rolled like 100 joints or more. (I didn't roll it all of course.) I then saved inch long roaches from each joint smoked and then emptied them and rolled second generation doobies and so on, clear through 8 generations. (Third generation stuff starts to taste pretty good... get to 8 you almost have to do it in a pipe cause it gets so sticky with resin. Yum... those were the days.) :joint:


New Member
Yep that's right been smoking for years and i still can't roll no matter how many times i have been shown! If i fancy a joint and i'm on my own i have to roll it round a pen lol. Am i the only one that finds it impossible to roll?!
Like everything else in life, practice makes perfect!

I suggest setting down with a bag and some papers and just keep trying you'll get the hang of it.


Well-Known Member
nice jay + tutorial DWR, i was reading the thread and got a craving to roll one :) :joint:

i do mine a lil different though.

1. roll the weed in the paper till it gets cylindrical and a lil compact but not too tight otherwise it wont burn.

2. go all the way to your strong hand side and fold the paper behind the cylindrical end of the bud.

3. continue to roll up till you get to the other end, tuck paper behind weed when necessary. lick and stick

4. strike a pose(or a match):blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
nice jay + tutorial DWR, i was reading the thread and got a craving to roll one :) :joint:

i do mine a lil different though.

1. roll the weed in the paper till it gets cylindrical and a lil compact but not too tight otherwise it wont burn.

2. go all the way to your strong hand side and fold the paper behind the cylindrical end of the bud.

3. continue to roll up till you get to the other end, tuck paper behind weed when necessary. lick and stick

4. strike a pose(or a match):blsmoke:

looks good, i hate rizzla's.... like mine to be atleast 20cm's.... :)

thats why i use tobaco ^^

great tutorial for a beginner ;)


Active Member
idk if its like this for anyone else but i can rolla blunt much easier then i can a joint...
true that. i watched people roll blunts for months on end at college, first time i ever rolled it and it was a banger and as time went on, it got easier. only time i ever fucked up was because of an incredibly stale game dutch.

joints on the other hand, we'll just say i stick with blunts and bongs :)

xSiR ToKeS AlOtx

Active Member
lol dont worrie man u will learn it'll just take time and for the time being get yourself a bong or a rolling machine lol i learnt to roll (properly) when on holiday in Greece this year. :D


Well-Known Member
Someone lent me a book the other day with step by step instructions on how to roll. If i can't manage it now with a book then there is something really wrong lol. Just thought i'd add when i finally get round to looking in the book if i still can't roll then i wont be admiting it lol. Lets just pretend i can :D

lol dont worrie man u will learn it'll just take time and for the time being get yourself a bong or a rolling machine lol i learnt to roll (properly) when on holiday in Greece this year. :D


Well-Known Member
Someone lent me a book the other day with step by step instructions on how to roll. If i can't manage it now with a book then there is something really wrong lol. Just thought i'd add when i finally get round to looking in the book if i still can't roll then i wont be admiting it lol. Lets just pretend i can :D
just keep practice rolling... you eventually will learn which way will work for you.

im still learning to prefect my joints, last night the j i rolled was ALOT better than the others ive rolled. BUT i have been rolling blunts for years, so it all depends on experience IMO.