I Once.


Well-Known Member
i once farted during that second between the end of the prayer and amen at church when i was 7..when i still believed in there god


Well-Known Member
I once got drunk at school and got kicked out to alternative (im 18 btw, senior in highschool). and now im drunk again =) lol:hump:


Well-Known Member
I once ate goo goo balls on lunch break when I was in college....

I once realized while walking back to school that eating pot and smoking pot are two TOTALLY different highs......that walk took FOREVER!


The Gardener
Hahah ever notice if you take lsd you just walk and walk , Me and my friends followed these lights in the sky for miles :confused: we ended up in this eriee farm town in the middle of no were by the alantic coast lol
when we got as far as we could go and couldent walk no more we then thought the lights were coming from boston over a 1000 miles west haha and we even looked for a boat to get there :mrgreen: i think we ended up staying in a barn scared shitless because theres no street lights , i dont even think these people had electric . just pure darkness
I dont know what the fuck went on in my mind when i was 17 haha

The place we ended up was Doolin Co. Claire and the lights were coming from the erin islands not boston lol , :peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
i once relized LSD really fucks with your mind and ever since i took it i havent been the same lol.


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I once thought winter was a fuckin season..now I think it's never going away...Mother Nature is just fuckin with me, I'm getting impatient..and the babies want outside . DAMN IT!!!


Well-Known Member
i once was drinking at a party underaged. the cops showed up and i ran through the backyard and ran into a clothesline or something knocked me off my feet lol. i had to regain my thoughts and get up and run some more.


Well-Known Member
once i sucker punched this guy in the face while gripping a roll of quarters. the sound of breaking face still haunts me.