i need to harvest early but put fish mix in yesterday!!!

ok so my plants 4 skunks and 10 cheese, need to be hacked away at, forced to death by eventual inceration. Now i put ferts and fish mix to help the cheese along as they flower longer, 1 skunk has harvested on time and the other 3 have been on water for 2 weeks due today but will do tomorow, now my brother got drunk and thought it was a good idea to bring the loudest just been released from jail selling bees and whites gentleman to my door, i opened the door to find him sniffing around asking to see them, obviuosly i said no and argued a bit, he went away but the guy has a terribly big mouth and my place aint exactly secure, and with the smell coming from it everytime i so much as look at the tent I am harvesting the cheese a week or so early, i know the guy and used to hang around with him alot,so i know his bloody mouth and word travels fast in these circles,

big question...... how do i get the fish mix out of the soil and plants asap?

the only thing worse than having 5 black guys climbing through your window brandishing knives is to harvest and find it tastes like fish


Well-Known Member
It should be fine I don't know about the fish taste but I found t it will a lot of people use nutes up till harvest and don't even flush them it may be harsh but coughing get you higher so it works out. Set up a trap on your Windows and doors rig a wire from a plug to the screen on your window and then place another screen right behind it so that if you touch the screen they stick together and put the other wire on that it will make an electric screen and its really easy I can explain better if you want I have one for for knobs to!!!
good thinking, ive already nailed the window open so they cant crawl through or open with making alot of noise, plus that to my blinds and a curtain that almost never open it would take em a good few mins to get through, it would be ok if i was always in but man needs to work.


Active Member
i use nutes all the way til the end of a harvest. i believe theres a few growers on here that could explain why... but i dont get any nasty chemical or harsh taste. all flushing really does is eleminate salts from your medium while robbing your plants of the nutrition they need in their final weeks aince thats when they really kick flowering into gear.

about the problem with people trying to rob your grow... i cant say too much except to go to a good electronic store and grab some cameras (like $40) and wire it to point outside. if the guy is fresh out of jail he wont want himself or anyone whos connected to him with their face on camera breaking into your place. because thats the easiest way to make it clear to them youre serious, and if they dont wanna go back, they better get serious.