I need some new Youtube Channels to Watch


Well-Known Member
I watch Joe Rogan, Sa Neter, Adam Kokesh, Tommy Sotomayor, Doug Benson, Norm Macdonald, New Covenant Group (a network of Atheists) and their theist counterparts, Atheist Analysis (a network of Atheists) and their theist counterparts, Reset.me, Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Vice, Vice News, TYT, TYT interviews, David Seaman, and there are a few more but I can not think of them right now.

Does anyone here know of any other good news, random person podcasts, Ayahuasca people, Atheists/Theists/Pagans, etc, Stoners, Bitcoiners or even conspiracy theorists.

Just basically, what are some other good channels to watch.

Here is a feed of all the live shows happening now. If you find any good ones at any random time, post about it in this thread.


Well-Known Member
You should stop wasting your life away watching YouTube and get a job
I only recently started watching Youtube within the past few months. I have plenty of stuff that I do all day. Youtube is just like radio.

I think you guys should stop wasting your time trolling me and just be regular people. It's actually pretty fun when you try it. Get high, and DON'T be a dick for no reason. It's great. Especially because then you can be a dick FOR a reason, and not feel bad because you weren't a dick for NO reason all day.


Well-Known Member
This is just like when people tell me "If you didn't watch the news you wouldn't get mad about global stuff" when that is the exact OPPOSITE of what happens. I will not turn on my TV for months while I write on my book, then I will be online and a bunch of crazy stuff comes up on threads and facebook and twitter and stuff, then I turn my TV back on and send tweets at the news outlets.


Well-Known Member
You sound like you need some bass in your life fin. I reccomend listening to drum and bass and dont be afraid to skank if a tune hits you hard. Bass is good for your internal organs too, arent you like a fan of the egiptians and shit? They were well into the bassy vibrations, they had special rooms for it and all. Who knows... they might have had some form of dnb back in the day. @skund0c now thatd be some real old school he? Drop by the drum and bass thread in music for a fix fin but please dont post any of your randomnessing, mkay?
I like zap de spion on youtube, funny...


Well-Known Member
evolution is nonsense...there was a big bang and all of a sudden the whole universe was created.and we were fish then became monkeys,then humans,what a load of nonsense.no animal has ever changed into a different animal,no bacteria has a concious or intelligence,and no bacteria has ever changed into something other than bacteria,but apparently we were once bacteria....the way the bible explains how the universe was created makes more sense actually.whether you believe in god or not....even darwin himself doubted his theory throughout his life.


Well-Known Member
evolution is nonsense...there was a big bang and all of a sudden the whole universe was created.and we were fish then became monkeys,then humans,what a load of nonsense.no animal has ever changed into a different animal,no bacteria has a concious or intelligence,and no bacteria has ever changed into something other than bacteria,but apparently we were once bacteria....the way the bible explains how the universe was created makes more sense actually.whether you believe in god or not....even darwin himself doubted his theory throughout his life.
This is so randomly not on topic.