I need some advice with my buding plants please help !!!!


:o OK this is what is going on my plants is in week two of budding and already the hairs are starting to go brown and the heads dos not look that big my crown bud is about as big as my thumb but its not 50/50 its more like 5% brown and 95% white is there anything that I should worry about or is this normal i am sorry if this is a stupid question but its my first grow and I don't want to loose potency or yield any replies will be much appreciated and I hope some one will be able to help ill post some picks as soon as I go buy battery for my camera ten to one that will be tomorrow thank u for support


Don't drink and drive smoke and fly.


What strain is it? Some are just smaller than others.... and it sounds like you have some more time to go before you chop... they'll get bigger :) pics would def help :)


will post pics asap its a supper skunk really lank smelly tho im have no way of taking smell away but its fine love the smell of growing plants in my house just want my buds to look nice big and fat


Well-Known Member
they look fine, relax, i use beastie bloomz and cha-cjing and i definitely see the difference in 5 days or less


These baby's going quite big now almost 1.5meters long and still going strong what should I do if I run out of space in my cupboard


i got the microscope dont c much tricomes yet only a little bit the strain on the web seas 8-10 weeks and i am 4 weeks in now i hope the buds magically just get done over night and can annyone tell me if they are still going to get a bit fatter coz they are really thin now like small bong hit lol


Posting more pics later today just waiting for them ro wake up and i will get some new pics they are looking bigger now having a little sine of a hermie but i just think im starting to get halusinations of sitting and watching my babys grow day by day thanks for replys and this is my first grow so i hope those two babys witch are indoor buds grow bigger the outdoor plant looking kwite good tho nice fat head i think the hairs started browning coz i lookd at the buds with my microscope and i may have touched the top of my outdor bud thats whi the hairs are browning posting pics in a few ours


i got the microscope dont c much tricomes yet only a little bit the strain on the web seas 8-10 weeks and i am 4 weeks in now i hope the buds magically just get done over night and can annyone tell me if they are still going to get a bit fatter coz they are really thin now like small bong hit lol
haha you might get one or two bong rips.... :P j/k They look great! I'm sure you'll get a decent amount. Keep up w/ flowering nutes... it'd probably be worth it to pick up some beastie bloomz and cha ching.....


well the flowering nutes i am using now is 3.2.10 the stuff is cald multifeed and i come from south Africa can find all those cool nutes witch are overseas so help me out witch number thingy is the best don't know much boat nutes I'm just using this fish supplement stuff makes grow room stink like hell but my plants love it the stuff is clad seagrow U cant nuteburn your plants with it and if U give it like an extra strong dose of it the hole plant goose light green in color kwite amazing so ja i think im going to stick with that just wish i had something witch would make my babys nug's fatten more i don't know what U must give them hope U can help here is more pics of my babys week 5.
witch nutrient is needed to fatten up the buds plz help :cry::joint::joint::joint:




Active Member
what is the size of your light.Looks like u need a stronger light to me if you light is week then theres no nutrients that will help your yield.