I need some advice on glass purchase!


Active Member
I don't know about the companies but, perculators makes a big difference imo, but a 16 inch bong is nice as well so its just tough to say


Well-Known Member
i would look at quality before quanitity, your looking at the size of them, they could be weak as shit , and im guessing they are by the price?

I would get a weedstar of edit (everyonedoesit) they have the slick rick on offer for £20 which is pretty much like $30?


Well-Known Member
The entire purpose of a waterpipe is to get the smoke to be as diffused as possible. diffusion is breaking up the smoke into the smallest bubbles possible so that instead of the surface area of just one big bubble of smoke touching the water, the surface area of thousands of small bubbles touches the water which cools down more of the smoke ... the water is what cools down the smoke which makes it easier to make a big rip and less of the cough your lungs out feeling.... when shopping around for a new piece... forget the popular brand names like roar... DEFINITELY go with a perc... one with as many holes as possible... gridded in-lines are real good percs and the showerhead is my fave... and it you want to go with a straight tube with no perc... at least get a diffused downstem... even with that you will be able to tell a huuuuge difference.