I need help!!!

mr. mad max

Active Member
i have a white widow that has been flowering for about 8 weeks now im trying to find out when i should pull her i have a 100X microscope but its hard to get a clear view of the tricomes with that said someone told me that you can tell when it will be ready by the white/brown hair ratio is that true and if so what should i look for also any other tricks will help this is my first successful grow so i dont know much about when or how to tell when is the best time to pull them out.... i would take a couple pictures but all i have is my web cam and it really sucks plus the hps light will mess the picture up more on the 29 will be 9 weeks and that's what i read everywhere and they say WW takes 9 weeks from flower to finish please any answer will help as long as they dont answer any question i already answered like the microscope thing thanks


Well-Known Member
I cut off a small leaf covered in trichs. lay it flat and then look at the scope. Its to hard to focus on the plant and it damages them. have you looked at the pictures of trichs in different stages?

mr. mad max

Active Member
yes i have seen pics of tricomes in all stages and my leaves are not covered in tricomes either but i forgot to mention that i am using a 150watt hps for 2 plants these are the best pics i could take considering that my cam is built into my laptop and the plants are in a tight closet i hope that this will help



Well-Known Member
this is from fdd's tutorial.
we will start with ripeness. most people say to check your trichromes with 30X magnification. i have other ways. when buds are done they look "done". the appearance of the bud changes. the leaves start to hook upwards and become hard and crispy. the calyxes will swell and the hairs will turn brown. you can see a golden tinge to the bud leaves. this is the amber crystals. they start to turn amber on the leaves first.

not ready..........


notice the difference? it's pretty easy to see once it occurs. :mrgreen:


dark d said it the best bro when its ready it swells up and the white hairs you got turn red, alot of people like the white look and pik a lil early to keep the look but if you let it go for like anotha week or 2 you'll end up with the dank. and you will know when the swell comes, if you look at your plants everyday then you will definitely know.


Well-Known Member
haha i remember my first successful grow where i got killer buds... as mentioned above, you definitly notice the swell. i remember coming home from work and being like woa..........:weed:

been hooked ever since....

mr. mad max

Active Member
thanks i will take your advise 2 more weeks and then ill cut a leaf off to see the color of the trichromes??? or is it all about the color of the plant???


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a long way to go bud, at least two weeks, 4 would prob be even better, flowering time depends on so mamy variables that you can't really say this will take 8 or that will take 12. hopefully you can get a bigger light soon.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think you have a ways to go. I agree bud swell is a good indicator of ripeness but its not always the best. My great white shark has had red hairs for 3 weeks and has been swollen for a little over a week. I still have another week before my trichs are gonna be ready. When you start to notice it happeneing thats when id really start checking with the scope, your crystals will start to show with maturity

mr. mad max

Active Member
wow i thought i was almost done with the paranoia but looks like i will still be checking my back thanks for the responses