I need help germinating beans


Well-Known Member
It's ur seeds man uv done enuff growing to no that but the question is is it how u r storing them or is it something to do with climate all ifs and buts lets b honest here u don't have to b a scientist the pop a bean and please don't think I'm being cheeky their is no malice intended.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look great but won't do u any harm to plant it couple of mill under some seedling soil if u have it if not ur in Australia so in a shaded spot in ur garden


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look great but won't do u any harm to plant it couple of mill under some seedling soil if u have it if not ur in Australia so in a shaded spot in ur garden
What do you mean when you say it doesn't look good? Should I plant it fully under the soil or try put just the root under or what


Well-Known Member
I had one seed do this, what do you guys suggest from here?
It's a s33d! when the tap root pops, plant it, don't touch it, play it, examine it, fuq with it !!!

put in solo cup keep DAMP, not wet. & wait...... ( patience is the prob here me thinks )


Well-Known Member
That one looked to be more promising I haven't had a seed get to a stage anywhere near that this run Iv never hAd a seed open like that ever lol, on that seed I could even see the first set of true serrated leaves just tiny and white inside, it is now sitting just under the surface of some damp seed raising mix and I'm not gonna disturb it at all just mist the soil when it seems dry, quick question tho if it is going to break surface how long will it be till it does? Within a week?