Well-Known Member
HPS? MH? 250w, 400w, 600w, 1000w? number of plants, space size? use google or go to your local hydroponics store


Active Member
well seems how i have no job and i am not 18 and cant drive i dont have much i have a red flood light and a shop light with 2 bulbs 1 plant i have as much space as i need in my shed just trying to finish the plant make it bud! i have moved it into a five gallon bucket



Well-Known Member
Dude, you need to consider if you can do a HID grow. Its easier, faster, and the results are generally more impressive. A HID system costs about 150 more or less, from htgsupply.com. Now, I assume you smoke weed, thats 40 dollars a sack man. Thats only 3 sacks of weed for a peice of equipment that represents the main investment in growing unlimited weed for yourself indoors. Just something to think about.....

I mean, if its garbage day, go grab everyones aluminum cans around like 2-4 blocks with your bros, watch out for homeless dudes that look tough, and collect aluminum. I know its ghetto but you can get the cash to hook yourself up with the light overnight bro, no need to bitch about no money, just score.

Edit: ok sorry, stoned, step 2. Google recycling centers near you on gmaps. Then call em up and ask what they are paying for aluminum. They pay mad money for junk, sorted metal is worth more and aluminum is worth way more by weight. All your buddies that drink beer should collect too. I turned in 2 grills my neihbors let me have and they gave me 35 bucks.
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Well-Known Member
well seems how i have no job and i am not 18 and cant drive i dont have much i have a red flood light and a shop light with 2 bulbs 1 plant i have as much space as i need in my shed just trying to finish the plant make it bud! i have moved it into a five gallon bucket

First if your not 18 your not technically supposed to be on this site...at least dont tell people!! second if you have no job and you probably live with your parents its not a good idea to have a grow op hidden in your closet or garage without them knowing about it..

my advice to you is get a job save some cash and get your own apt then you can grow (yes even in an apartment you can grow check my sig). Growing is a privilege and considering that in most places it is illegal it is not a hobby to be taken lightly.

Now im not trying to sound like an ass or anything or an old fogey (only 21) and i know expiramentation with mari is fun and exciting but it is a living thing and with all living things it has certain requirements to live.. if you wont take the time to research what it needs especially with something as easy to find as lighting specs, and wont or cant give it at least the basics it needs to survive then i would suggest waiting till you can because at the very best your going to end up with some shitty smoke that took you forever to grow when saving just a couple hundred bux could make your growing experience 1,000 times better... just my .02
