I need help fast before all my leaves die!


Well-Known Member
I posted this problem in the Indoor Growing thread so I might as well post it where it was supposed to go in the first place.

I have 2 plants, 2 different strains, they are both under a 400W HPS, this is a soil grow, they are about 3 weeks into budding.

The problem progressively has gotten worse overtime the leaves are dieing very slowly, over the past week and a half-ish. There are also spots all over some of the leaves, the buds themselves are fine but what could be happening?!


Active Member
im no pro but i would do a few thing first sprey for spider nits 2nt cheack ph of soul aslo looks like they are burn abit could be feel depends on what your useing as i had that problem and had to quit useing a vivimin called puple use less feed sprey for bugs and what i did is i took room temp watter and flush them and didnt feed them for a week just water make sure light is 20 " above plants im no expert but my shit does fairly well hope your plant go well.....


Well-Known Member
what chemicals(poison) fertilizer are u using...could be nute burn....watch what u spray on ure collie...mold can occur ii need a couple more details tho soooo....what u feed them?do u have pest?


Well-Known Member
There are no bugs of any kind anywhere around this plant at all, this has been happening slowly over almost the entire plant. I am only using a bloomer and the problem started right before I started using it.


Well-Known Member
I really need help before all my leaves are dead :( Someone must be able to help me here PLZ I have no where else to turn lol.


Well-Known Member
More info needed dude.What nutes are you using?

Are you ph'ing your water?

Did you flush before you went into flower?

What i would do is take my plants and flush then with 5 X the
amount of H2O that you pot can handle , make sure to ph the last few
gallons/litres , and add some dilute nutes.

When in doubt , flush it out!