I need help again. LOL Why are they so droopy? (Pics attached)


Active Member
Hey Good Folks!

I have a plant problem that I'm not sure about. I'm growing in Hempy Buckets which are soilless medium buckets filled with a 4:1 ratio of perlite and vermiculite. There's a drain hole about 2 inches from the bottom of the bucket. Every 3 days I feed or water. I use the GH Flora Series. I've always noticed nute burn whenever I use full strength, so I've been adding 3ml of the micro, grow and bloom to a gallon of water. I feed twice and then straight water. I straight watered them 2 days ago. I'll feed them tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help friends!


Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Looks like over watering, stop watering them for a few days and see if that fixes it. Usual droopy leaves are from over watering, but droopy could be from under watering but i dont think thats the case for you.


Well-Known Member
i think its overwatering. wanna know how i know?

when the plant is overwatered , the leaves droop. when the plant is underwatered, the whole branch droops.
thats how i knew when too water my first plant


Active Member
It looks like you have a pH problem too. The extra defined grooves in the leaves are the begining stages, if unbalanced they will start to curl and twist. Get your pH to 5.5-5.8 ASAP


does everyone know vermiculite is a form of asbestos??? Just a FYI you might wanna be carefull using this due to the fact that it could potentialy kill you... Not that the chances are very high but I work in the Hazardous waste environment and i thought i would just let u know.